Export JSON API for Next.js blog, with support for posts and projects.
- Export posts and projects as custom JSON API.
- Using WordPress as a Headless CMS.
- Redirect WordPress front-end to a desired URL.
- Install and activate the plugin.
- Go to Sidebar ->
JSON Exporter
and configure the plugin.- Is Redirect: Checked if you want to redirect WordPress front-end to a desired URL.
- Redirect URL: The URL to redirect to.
Get all posts
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a list of all posts.
- Sample Request: [Base URL]/posts
- Response Example
{ "data": [ { "title": "Hello World", "slug": "hello-world", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-01" } ], "meta": { "current_page": 1, "total_pages": 1, "total_posts": 1 } }
Get a single post
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a single post based on its slug.
- URL Parameters:
- slug (string) - The unique identifier for the post.
- Sample Request: [Base URL]/posts/{slug}
- Response Example
{ "data": { "title": "Hello World", "slug": "hello-world", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-01", "last_modified": "2024-01-01", "content": "\n<h1 class=\"wp-block-heading\">Hello World</h1>", "tags": [], "visits": 1234 }, "prev": { "title": "Hello World 0", "slug": "hello-world-0", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/hello-world-0.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2023-12-31" }, "next": { "title": "Hello World 1", "slug": "hello-world-1", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world-1.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-02" } }
Get all projects
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a list of all projects.
- Sample Request: [Base URL]/projects
- Response Example
{ "data": [ { "title": "Hello World", "slug": "hello-world", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-01", "meta": { "color": "#ffffff", "product_owner": "[Vincent Wang](https://vthwang.com/)", "website": "https://vthwang.com/", "tech_stack": "- WordPress", "my_role": "- Product Engineer" } } ], "meta": { "current_page": 1, "total_pages": 1, "total_posts": 1 } }
Get a single project
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a single project based on its slug.
- URL Parameters:
- slug (string) - The unique identifier for the project.
- Sample Request: [Base URL]/projects/{slug}
- Response Example
{ "data": { "title": "Hello World", "slug": "hello-world", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-01", "last_modified": "2024-01-10", "content": "\n<h1 class=\"wp-block-heading\">Hello World</h1>", "tags": [], "meta": { "color": "#ffffff", "product_owner": "[Vincent Wang](https://vthwang.com/)", "website": "https://vthwang.com/", "tech_stack": "- WordPress", "my_role": "- Product Engineer" }, "visits": 1234 }, "next": { "title": "Hello World 1", "slug": "hello-world-1", "featured_image": "http://localhost:8000/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/hello-world-1.jpg", "category": [ "Uncategorized" ], "date": "2024-01-02" } }
Get all visits
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves the total number of visits across all routes.
- Sample Requests:
- To retrieve the total visits for all routes: [Base URL]/visits.
- To retrieve visits for a specific route: [Base URL]/visits?route=/example-route.
- Response Example
{ "data": 1234 }
Update visits
- Method: POST
- Description: Increments the visit count for a specified route. If the route does not exist, it creates a new entry for it.
- Note: For posts and projects, the route should be formatted as /posts/[slug] or /projects/[slug] where [slug] is the unique identifier of the post or project. After utilizing this formatted route, you can access the 'visits' field when retrieving a single post or project.
- Sample Request: [Base URL]/visits
- Parameters:
- route (string, required): The route to update the visit count for.
- Response Example
{ "route": "/example-route" }
- Success Response Example
{ "route": "/example-route", "count": 1 }
- Error Response Example
{ "code": "missing_route", "message": "No `route` provided", "data": { "status": 400 } }