Vue Storefront v1.0 Release Candidate 2 has just landed! In this release, we were focused on the developer experience. Among cool new features added, most tasks were focused on: stability, extensibility, code quality.
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
This release brings the Magento 1.9 support and Magento 2 checkout fallback.
Another break-thru with this release is Payment gateway framework with the first module for Stripe payments, build by our Folks at Develo // design.
We've slightly re-composed our repository with Lerna support for managing multiple npm modules inside one repo. Right now the extensions and themes can be published and then separately updated as node modules. Big thanks to Bartek Igielski from Snow.dog (@Igloczek)!
The next major improvements are "Order history" tab, re-factored "My Account tab" and "Discount codes" support in the checkout.
Oh! Thanks to our Community we're now in 5 languages (EN, DE, FR, ES, NL)!
Please be aware that we've switched to "yarn" to support Lerna, and You must run "yarn install" as a first step after pulling the code
Please check it out: visit: https://demo.vuestorefront.io/
We're still waiting for the developer's feedback to improve the extensibility and maintainability of Vue Storefront. This is the reason we didn't run directly to 1.0 FINAL, but we've planned RC-2 and RC-3 releases before. Please feel free to share the feedback with us.
Key new features
- Basic Magento 1.9 support,
- Translations: ES, DE, NL, FR
- Lerna support for managing the npm packages within the one repository,
- Installer fixes (Linux support),
- Orders history,
- Discount codes support,
- Stripe Payments support,
- External Checkout support for Magento 2.x,
- Basic Travis checks,
- Other fixes.
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.0-RC3, 1.0-FINAL, 1.1). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.0 RC-2
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Tomasz Kikowski @qiqqq - My Orders tab + fixes
Bartek Igielski @Igloczek - Lerna support
Mike Sheward @MikeSheward - Stripe Payments + Payments Gateway
Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - Discount codes, Payments Gateway
Filip Rakowski @filrak - Core fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz @Aekal - BaseInput form refactor
Anthuan Vásquez @anthuanvasquez - Spanish Translation
Nacim Idjakirène @nacimux - French Translation
@unherz - German Translation
Tjitse Efde - @Tjitse-E - Dutch Translation
Anna Karon @anqaka - "View all" Category sidebar fix
Elias Kotyar @EliasKotlyar - doc fixes
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
Raymond Wojtala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]