A docker image you can use for active Salesforce DX development.
Make sure you have Docker setup and working properly. Review the Getting Started materials from Docker.
Also, make sure you install jq
, which is used to grab the sfdxAuthUrl
of your Dev Hub.
Follow these instructions if you want to use my published image.
export SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL=$(sfdx force:org:display --verbose -u <your-dev-hub> --json | jq -r .result.sfdxAuthUrl)
docker run -dit --name <your-name> -e SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL=$SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL wadewegner/waw-sfdx-docker:latest
docker exec -i -t <your-name> /bin/bash
Follow these instructions if you want to build your own image locally.
export SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL=$(sfdx force:org:display --verbose -u <your-dev-hub> --json | jq -r .result.sfdxAuthUrl)
docker build -t <your-tag> .
docker image ls | <your-tag>
docker run -dit --name <your-name> -e SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL=$SFDX_DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL <your-tag>
docker exec -i -t <your-name> /bin/bash