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Welcome to the Cloverpop App

This is from the README page from Cloverpop's repository, to help our interns see how we set up new machines.

The Cloverpop application is built on:

  • Ruby 3.2.4
  • Rails 7.0
  • postgresql 13.9 or higher
  • Shakapacker
  • Yarn
  • Hosted by heroku with asset storage on AWS S3

New Development Machine Install (Mac)

NOTE: After installing something new, if something doesn't work like you expect, try quitting and restarting terminal.

  1. Install the latest version of XCode from the App store, run $ xcode-select --install
  2. Install the latest version of Homebrew:
  3. Install Git on Mac using homebrew: $ brew install git
  4. Set your GIT username from terminal: $ git config --global "YOUR NAME"
  5. Set your GIT email address from terminal: $ git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
  6. Generate and add SSH keys your Github account by following the instructions at
  7. Install GPG using homebrew: $ brew install gpg (May be needed for RVM in next step)
  8. Install the latest version of RVM:, but instead of gpg2 Use gpg in the command that adds the GPG keys. If this doesn't work check out the security page for a workaround.
  9. Install Ruby from terminal using RVM: $ rvm install 3.2.4 (for AppleSilicon add --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@3)
  10. Install posgtres from terminal: $ brew install postgresql@15 and follow its instructions to start the service using brew services... command + anything else it suggests.
  11. Create postgresql superuser postgres: $ createuser postgres -s
  12. Change your directory to where you want your work projects in terminal and clone the git repo: $ git clone [email protected]:my_github_account/my_repo.git
  13. Go into the directory $ cd my_repo. Confirm that when you run $ rvm gemset list it lists "my_repo" as your gemset.
  14. Run $ gem install bundler
  15. Run $ gem update --system
  16. Run bundler: $ bundle
  17. Create a new database: $ rails db:create
  18. Should be ready to roll: $ rails s

Highly Recommended Mac Goodies

  1. For pretty and customizable command line info, including branch and whether you have uncommited changes or not:

     $ brew install zsh-git-prompt

    Then update ~/.zshrc with the following code:

     source "/usr/local/opt/zsh-git-prompt/"
     PROMPT='%~%b$(git_super_status)\$ '
     clean_branches() {
         git remote prune origin
         git branch -vv | grep "origin/.*: gone]" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D

NOTE: The source "..." might be different than what is above. Copy/paste it from the brew installation output.

  1. For a fast command line way to browse the most recent git commits: $ brew install tig. Then run $ tig at the command prompt.
  2. For Code Editing: RubyMine from JetBrains

Rubymine Support for Rubocop (Code Linting)

Code Linting gives formatting and syntax suggestions to make your code more readable.

In Rubymine go to Rubymine -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Ruby -> Gems and gems management -> Rubocop: Make sure that the checkbox is checked. Set the "Highlighting in editor:" settings and severities mapping for Refactor and Convention to "Warning".


Beginner's Guide to Changing Code

Every time you are ready to start work, do the following terminal commands in the wyzyr directory:

$ git fetch
$ git pull origin master
$ bundle
$ rails db:migrate

Then if your server isn't started yet:

  1. Tab 1: $ rails s
  2. Tab 2: $ redis-server
  3. Tab 3: $ sidekiq -C 'config/sidekiq.yml'

At this point you can point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ and start development work. To stop the server click CNTL-C in all three tabs.

To check to make sure your code changes didn't break anything critical:

$ rspec

Green dots are good, red F's are bad. Note that sometimes other people may have broken the build, so use your best judgement if the automated test errors were caused by your code or not (for example if you undo changes and re-run the test).

To push your code changes to the repo:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "CP-XXX: Message describing what changes you made"
    $ git push origin branch_name

Note: replace XXX with the Jira story ID (very important).

Switching between master and a private branch:

    $ git checkout branch_name
    $ git checkout master

Cherry Picking

If you need to copy over a commit from one branch to another without merging:

  1. Copy the SHA of the commit you want to copy over (the program "tig" is good for this which can be installed via brew on a Mac).

  2. Go to the branch you want to copy the commit to ($ git checkout [BRANCHNAME])

  3. Use cherry-pick to copy over the commit:

     $ git cherry-pick [SHA]

NOTE: If you have more than one commit to copy over, do the cherry-pick commands in the same order as they were commited. Also be careful about doing this if there is a high possibility of there being a conflict. See

🖥️ New Development Machine Install (Windows 10 with WSL)

NOTE: After installing something new, if it doesn't work as expected, try restarting your terminal.

📌 Prerequisites

  • Windows 10 updated to the latest version.
  • Administrator privileges.

1️⃣ Install WSL

  1. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the following command to install WSL:
    wsl --install
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. After restarting, WSL will complete the installation. Create a UNIX username and password when prompted.
    💡 Keep your credentials simple (e.g., dev), to avoid confusion later.
  5. Verify the WSL installation:
    wsl --list --verbose
    Example output:
    Wsman Shell commandLine, version 0.2.1
  6. For more details, see the WSL documentation.

2️⃣ Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

  1. Open WSL/Ubuntu terminal.
  2. Install GPG and import the required keys:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gnupg -y
    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
    💡 GPG keys ensure a secure RVM installation.
  3. Install dependencies:
    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
  4. Add the RVM repository and install RVM:
    sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/rvm
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install rvm
  5. Add your user to the RVM group ($USER will automatically insert your username):
    sudo usermod -a -G rvm $USER
    💡 Verify by running groups $USER. If RVM doesn’t appear, close your WSL/Ubuntu terminal and open it again. This will reload your session and apply the group changes.
  6. Activate RVM:
    source /etc/profile.d/
  7. Verify the installation:
    rvm -v
  8. For more details, see the RVM documentation.

3️⃣ Install Ruby

  1. List available Ruby versions:
    rvm list known
  2. Install the Latest Stable Version:
    rvm install ruby
  3. Verify the installation:
    ruby -v
  4. Install a Specific Ruby Version:
    rvm install ruby-<version>
    For example:
    rvm install ruby-3.2.6
  5. Set the installed version as default:
    rvm use ruby-<version> --default
    For example:
    rvm use ruby-3.2.6 --default
    💡 This sets Ruby 3.2.6 as your default version.
  6. Check the list of installed Ruby versions:
    rvm list
    Example output: 
    =* ruby-3.2.6 [ x86_64 ]
    ruby-3.4.1 [ x86_64 ]
    # => - current
    # =* - current && default
    #  * - default 

4️⃣ Install Node.js

  1. Remove old versions (if any):
    sudo apt remove nodejs
  2. Add the NodeSource repository:
    curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
  3. Install Node.js:
    sudo apt install -y nodejs
  4. Verify the installation:
    node -v

5️⃣ Install Yarn

  1. Add the Yarn repository key:
    curl -sS | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/yarn.asc
  2. Add the Yarn repository:
    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  3. Update your package list:
    sudo apt update
  4. Install Yarn:
    sudo apt install yarn
  5. Verify the installation:
    yarn -v

6️⃣ Install Ruby on Rails

  1. Install Rails using RubyGems:
    gem install rails
  2. Verify the installation:
    rails -v
    💡 Install the latest stable version for compatibility.

7️⃣ Set Up PostgreSQL for WSL/Ubuntu

  1. Install PostgreSQL:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y
  2. Verify the existence of the postgres user:

    getent passwd postgres
  3. Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running:

    sudo service postgresql status

    💡 Ensure it's always running when working with Rails projects.

  4. Create a new PostgreSQL user:

    1. Connect to PostgreSQL:
      sudo -u postgres psql
    2. Create a new user:
      CREATE ROLE <new_user_name> WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password';
    3. Grant privileges:
    4. Verify the role:
    5. Exit the psql shell:

8️⃣ Clone the Repository and Set Up the Project

  1. Open WSL/Ubuntu terminal.
  2. Create a base folder for all your RoR projects:
    mkdir ~/projects
    💡 Use this folder for all your RoR projects.
  3. Verify if the folder was created:
  4. Navigate to your /projects directory:
    cd ~/projects
  5. Clone the repository:
    git clone [email protected]:my_github_account/my_repo.git
  6. Enter the project directory:
    cd my_repo
  7. Install Bundler:
    gem install bundler
    💡 Bundler helps manage dependencies in your Ruby projects.
  8. Update RubyGems:
    gem update --system
  9. Install dependencies:
    bundle install
    yarn install
  10. Create the database:
rails db:create
  1. Start the Rails server:
rails s
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the app.

NOTE: Always remember to store all your RoR projects in the ~/projects directory inside the WSL environment (\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\UNIX_username\projects). This practice avoids file system conflicts between Windows and Ubuntu, ensuring your development environment runs smoothly.

🛠️ Maintenance and Updates

  1. Regularly update packages:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Manually update Linux distributions:
    wsl --update

💡 Windows does not automatically update Linux distributions. Handle this manually as needed.

Git Workflow Tips

  1. Fetch and pull the latest changes before starting:
    git fetch
    git pull origin master
    bundle install
    rails db:migrate
  2. Start the server and background workers:
    rails s
    sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
  3. Test your changes using RSpec:
  4. Commit and push changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "CP-XXX: Description of changes"
    git push origin branch_name

Optional: Removing All Ruby Versions

  1. View the list of installed Ruby versions:
    rvm list
  2. Remove all versions:
    rvm list strings | xargs -n 1 rvm remove
  3. Ensure the list is empty:
    rvm list

Optional: Removing RVM

  1. Remove RVM:
    rvm implode
  2. Manually delete any remaining files:
    rm -rf ~/.rvm
  3. Verify RVM is no longer available:
    If the command is not found, the removal was successful.

Optional: Resolving error ‘ruby\r’: No such file or directory

This error occurs when Windows-style carriage return (\r\n) characters are present in script files (e.g., bin/rails, bin/dev) instead of Unix-style line endings (\n). Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  1. Convert Files to LF Format: Ensure all files in the bin folder use Unix-style line endings:
    dos2unix bin/*
  2. Verify File Format: Confirm that the files are now in the correct format:
    file bin/*
    You should see ASCII text without CRLF.
    bin/rails: ASCII text
    bin/dev: ASCII text
  3. Check File Permissions Ensure the files in the bin folder are executable:
    1. Verify the permissions for a specific file (e.g., bin/dev):
    ls -la bin/dev
    If the output shows no x (execution) in the permissions (e.g., -rw-r--r--), add execution permissions:
    chmod +x bin/dev
    1. Alternatively, make all scripts in the bin folder executable:
    chmod +x bin/*
  4. Restart the Script Run the script again to check if the error is resolved:

NOTE: If you use RubyMine IDE, this issue can often be resolved by configuring line separators in the IDE: Configure line separators in RubyMine

Optional Tools

  1. Git Commit Browser: Install tig:

    sudo apt install tig

    Run tig to browse recent commits.

  2. IDE Recommendation: Use RubyMine for code editing.

  3. Linting: Set up RuboCop for code quality checks in RubyMine under Settings > Editor > Inspections > Ruby > Gems and gems management > RuboCop. Make sure that the checkbox is checked. Set the "Highlighting in editor:" settings and severities mapping for Refactor and Convention to "Warning"

Happy coding 🚀


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