Generate OpenApi Specification documentation for ActionHero
$ npm install ah-oas-plugin --save
Make sure you add the plugin to config/plugins.js
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
exports['default'] = {
plugins: (api) => {
return {
'ah-oas-plugin': { path: path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/ah-oas-plugin') }
You can now access your project documentation on:
This plugin will analyse your project's actions, generate a OpenApi Specification file on your public folder and display it with Swagger UI.
Here's an action example:
'use strict'
const { Action, api } = require('actionhero')
module.exports = class Status extends Action {
constructor () {
super() = 'status'
this.description = 'I will return some basic information about the API'
this.middleware = [
this.headers = {
'Accept-Language': {
description: 'Which languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred.',
required: false,
schema: {
type: 'string'
example: 'en-US'
this.responseSchemas = {
'200': {
description: 'OK.',
schema: {
type: 'object'
this.inputs = {
email: {
description: 'User type.',
required: true,
type: 'string',
example: '[email protected]'
age: {
description: 'User age.',
required: true,
type: 'integer',
example: 30
this.tags = ['Core'] = [
'api_key': []
async run (data) {
// ...
Edit values on config/oas.js
'use strict'
exports.default = {
oas: (api) => {
return {
// Directory to render client-side JS.
// Path should start with "/" and will be built starting from `api.config.general.paths.public`.
openApiDocumentPath: '/',
// The name of the OpenAPI document JSON file.
// Do not include the file exension.
// Set to `undefined` to not save the OpenAPI document JSON file on boot.
openApiDocumentName: 'openapi',
// Should be changed to hit If this is null, defaults to ip:port from
// internal values or from hostOverride and portOverride.
baseUrl: '',
// Specify routes that don't need to be displayed
ignoreRoutes: [],
// Set true if you want to organize actions by version
groupByVersionTag: false,
// In some cases where actionhero network topology needs to point elsewhere.
// If null, uses api.config.oas.baseUrl
hostOverride: null,
// Same as above, if null uses the internal value set in config/server/web.js
portOverride: null,
// Extended documentation for the whole API.
// Set to null if not needed.
apiDocumentation: {
description: 'Find more info about the API here',
url: ''
// Information about tags, you can add info about any version tag (including version tags).
// Set to null if not needed.
tagsInfo: {
'1': {
description: 'Version 1 of the API',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find more info here',
url: ''
'Core': {
description: 'Core actions'
servers: null,
security: {
'api_key': {
type: 'apiKey',
name: 'Authorization',
'in': 'header'
'petstore_auth': {
'type': 'oauth2',
'flows': {
'implicit': {
'authorizationUrl': '',
'scopes': {
'write:pets': 'modify pets in your account',
'read:pets': 'read your pets'