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Makes Deltatation Roughly Playable (#324)
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things not done:

    not all the doors dir set (only ones that don't auto-align correctly)
    no table item offsetting done
    virology entrance may need a remap (no south facing airlock access buttons kinda sucks)
    library needs to be remapped entirely (i can't bring myself to do it i like the current design too much)

things broken/missing noticed in mapping (and as such i kinda left untouched):

    no table mount intercoms
    some posters (the non-random ones. despite using the correct directional helper, looks fine in editor but not in game
    direction signs (the ones that go -> sec) are broken
    no directional wallmounts for nanotrasen signs (they offset themselves, not shown in editor)
    no directional helpers for supply shuttle status display (self offset, not shown in editor
    digital clocks seem to have broken offsets as well
    no directional helpers for airlock access presets (ord, atmos incin)
    barricades are a bit jank in general, primarily those made from the rng mapping helper
    some sign dirs are reversed north/south. i think? maybe same issues with posters mentioned above
    turret controls seem to have messed up icon states, semi invisible. also the south dir one looks off (though maybe not supposed to exist)
    apcs very difficult to map because of reverse dir in editor

other notes:

    loss of detailing felt very heavily. for every 1 sign moved, i deleted probably 6-8.
    ability to put two mounts on opposites sides of a wall, however, is also really felt. love it for condensing space
    probably should delete south/east/west poster/sign helpers entirely since they don't work
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MrMelbert authored Aug 12, 2024
1 parent b2f5d21 commit b46cec4
Showing 1 changed file with 1,931 additions and 2,647 deletions.

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