Lava.ts Serializable
Typescript classes for data serialization
Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method.
npm install @lava.ts/serializable
import { SerializableClass } from "@lava.ts/serializable/lib/SerializableClass";
import { AutoSerializer } from "@lava.ts/serializable/lib/AutoSerializer";
import { addSerializer } from "@lava.ts/serializable/lib/serializers";
export class MyDataClass extends SerializableClass {
static __name__ = "my-data-class"; // name for serializable class
declare $data: { // raw data
position: number,
type: string,
constructor(params: Record<string, unknown>) {
position: 0,
type: "default",
}); // contructor apply parameters to setters
get position() { // computed getter
return this.$data.position;
set position(position) { // computed setter
this.$data.position = position;
get type() {
return this.$data.type;
set type(type) {
this.$data.type = type;
// directive to mark field as not serializable
get triple() {
"@serializable false";
return this.position * 3;
set triple(triple) {
this.position = triple / 3;
// AutoSerializer serializes all fields with a getter and a setter
// expect if directive `"@serializable false"` has been set
const autoserializer = new AutoSerializer(MyDataClass);
export default MyDataClass;
Submit issue on github or gitlab
- Project Manager with Structures
- History manager for undo/redo
- Integration with Vue.js reactivity
Not open for contribution at the moment. Currently building the first steps of the librairy
Currently building the first steps of the librairy