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Algorithm to predict long-range enhancer-gene links based on protein-protein interactions using random forest models

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Predict long-range enhancer-promoter interactions based on PPIs.


We developed ProTECT (i.e. PROtein-protein interactions of Transcription factors predicting Enhancer Contacts with Target genes) to predict long-range enhancer-promoter interactions using TF PPI as features. A robust random forest model is trained based on significant experimental chromatin interactions, i.e. Hi-C, and applied to the whole genome to make highly confident predictions.


The ProTECT algorithm takes multi-omics data as inputs, including the enhancer activities, gene expressions, TF ChIP-seq narrow peaks and PPIs, to train a random forest model. Novel network community-based feature dimension reduction and feature selection methods are applied to reduce the number of features and to improve the robustness and accuracy of ProTECT. In the meanwhile, we evaluate the accuracy of the ProTECT with a rigorous genomic-bin split cross-validation method to remove the confounding factors. By applying the ProTECT algorithm on the potential enhancer-promoter pairs in the whole genome, a set of highly confident enhancer-promoter interactions is prioritized and used for the downstream analysis.


The implementation of ProTECT is based on Python 3.6 and R 3.5.1. It depends on 6 Python packages (scipy, scikit-learn, numpy, pandas,pickle and re) and 2 R packages (igraph and expm).

Input data: resources and formats

We provided the well-formatted input training data in GM12878 and K562 (data directory). The training data are generated based on 8 sets of data: (1) significant experimental chromatin interactions, (2) chromatin contact domain annotations, (3) enhancer annotations, (4) gene annotations, (5) the enhancer activity profiles, (6) the gene activity profiles, (7) TF ChIP-seq peaks and (8) protein-protein interaction (PPI) datasets. For the convenience of the user, enhancer annotations, gene annotations, the enhancer activity profiles and the gene activity profiles are pre-calculated and provided. Descriptions of the four required user-provided data are listed below:

  1. Significant experimental chromatin interactions: The significant experimental chromatin interactions can be provided by Hi-C , ChIA-PET or Capture-C. The chromatin interactions should be in a tab-separated file with five columns:

    col abbrv. type description
    1 chr string Name of the chromosome
    2 frag1.start int Fragment 1 start
    3 frag1.end int Fragment 1 end
    4 frag2.start int Fragment 2 start
    5 frag2.end int Fragment 2 end
  2. Contact domain annotation: The contact domains represent densely self-interacting genome regions. The contact domain can be detected by applying computational models, e.g. Arrowhead, on chromatin contact maps. For example, contact domains based on Hi-C contact maps can be downloaded from GEO with GSE63525. The contact domain annotations should be tab-separated, with three columns:

    col abbrv. type description
    1 chr string Name of the chromosome
    2 domain.start int Contact domain start
    3 domain.end int Contact domain end
  3. TF ChIP-seq peaks: The narrow peak files of TF ChIP-seq can be downloaded from the ENCODE consortium. As the quality control, we applied three criteria to filter the TF ChIP-seq narrow peak files. The TF ChIP-seq narrow peak files with the best quality are selected for each TF using the following three criteria: a. TF ChIP-seq peak files for treated transcription factors are removed. b. TF ChIP-seq peak files generated by paired-end experiments are preferred if available. c. FRiP (Fraction of Reads in Peaks) score is calculated for each TF ChIP-seq replicate. The TF ChIP-seq peak file with the highest averaged FRiP score is selected. The format of the TF ChIP-seq narrow peak files follows the standard definition of the narrow peak file. The file should be named following the format of TF_name-ENCODE_ID.bed.

  4. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) datasets: PPI datasets can be downloaded from STRING database. To remove the low-quality PPIs, we only use the PPIs with a confidence score greater than 100 in the ‘Experiments’ category for feature generation. This threshold removes around 50% of the PPIs. For TF module detection, the threshold of the PPI confidence score is set to 500.

Pre-calculated data

For users’ convenience, four sets of data have been pre-calculated. The user could also use their own datasets by replacing those files.

  1. Gene annotations: The gene annotation with GENCODE V17 has been integrated with the program. The promoter is defined as the +/- 1kb around the transcriptional start sites (TSS). The gene annotations should be in the following format.

    col abbrv. type description
    1 char Ensembl gene id
    2 chr char Name of the chromosome
    3 gene.start int Gene body start
    4 gene.end int Gene body end
    5 strand int Strand of the gene, 1 for ‘+’ and -1 for ‘-’
    6 gene.type int Type of the gene, i.e. protein_coding
    7 char Name of the gene, i.e. GATA1
    8 HGNC description string Description of the gene based on the HGNC annotation
  2. Enhancer activity matrix: The enhancer activities are quantified by cell-type specific genome-wide coverage epigenomic datasets, i.e. histone modifications, DNase-seq or ATAC-seq. The cell-type specific enhancer activities are summarized into a matrix, where rows represent enhancers, and columns represent cell-types.

  3. Gene expression matrix: The gene expressions are quantified by RNA-seq data, i.e. RPKM. The cell-type specific gene expressions are summarized into a matrix, where rows represent genes, and columns represent cell-types.

Description of scripts: command lines

Train ProTECT with the provided training data

Users can follow the command line below to train ProTECT with the provided training data. The result of the cross-validation and a trained model will be generated.
python -c "../data/hc_TF_community.txt" -t <path to the folder containing the TF ChIP-seq data with TF_name-ENCODE_ID.bed as file name> -fn ../data/GM12878_feature_names.csv -fm ../data/GM12878_training_matrix_DNase.txt -p ../data/GM12878_pos_sample_tf_overlapping.txt -n ../data/GM12878_neg_sample_tf_overlapping.txt -l ../data/GM12878_label_list.txt -o <output_path> -s <suffix>

Generate your own data

The ProTECT software consists of 9 sequential scripts. A detailed description of each piece is provided.

  1. Training_sample_generation.R: This step is used to generate positive training sets and a balanced negative training set with multiple confounding factors controlled.
    Inputs: It takes significant experimental chromatin interactions, contact domain annotations as inputs.
    Outputs: a list of enhancer-promoter interactions and their labels, i.e. 1 for positive sets and -1 for negative sets.
    Command line usage: Rscript Training_sample_generation.R <path to significant chromatin interactions> <path to contact domain annotations>

  2. This step is used to generate features used by ProTECT, including enhancer activities, gene expressions, enhancer-promoter activity correlations, genomic distances and PPI features.
    Inputs: It takes TF ChIP-seq narrow peak files as inputs.
    Outputs: a feature matrix, where each row is one enhancer-promoter interaction and each column is one feature.
    Command line usage: python -i <path to the training samples> -c <column index of the cell line in the gene/enhancer activity matrix, i.e. 53 for the GM12878 cell line> -d (indicates the genomic distance is reported) -s <path to the PPI file>

  3. This step is used to remove PPIs with confidence scores lower than the user defined thresholds.
    Inputs: It takes STRING PPIs and output of the step 2 as inputs.
    Outputs: the PPI features passing the filter for enhancer-gene pairs
    Command line usage: python -i <path to the input file> -o <path to the output file> -s <the PPI score threshold> -p <path to the ppi file>

  4. Discover_PPI_module.R: This step is used to detect a two-layer hierarchical PPI networks.
    Inputs: It takes the PPI data as the input.
    Outputs: Membership of the TFs to the hierarchical PPI module.

    col abbrv. type description
    1 TF_name string Name of the TF
    2 S-module.index int Module index for S-module
    3 L-module.index int Module index for L-module

    Command line usage: Rscript Discover_PPI_module.R <path to the PPI data> <threshold of the confidence score>

  5. This script is used to do feature dimension reduction and train a random forest model based on the generated feature.
    Inputs: It takes the outputs of step 1,2,3 as the inputs.
    Outputs: a trained model stored in pickle format and a text summary of cross-validation results.
    Command line usage: python -o <output directory>

  6. For genome-wide applications, users should provide the potential enhancer-promoter pairs. A recommended method is to use the bedtools window function. Following is an example: bedtools window -a -b -w > . To generate the feature matrix based on individual TF-TF pairs on these potential pairs, we can repeat step 2 and the output is the desired feature matrix (raw feature matrix).

  7. This script uses the trained random forest model to predict significant enhancer-promoter interactions from the whole pool. This script has two major steps. The first step aims to reformat the TF-level PPI feature matrix generated in step 6 into the module-level PPI features defined by step 5. The second step takes the reformatted feature matrix as input and assigns a probability to each enhancer-promoter interaction using the trained random forest model.
    Inputs: the TF-level PPI feature matrix generated in step 6.
    Outputs: the reformatted feature matrix defined by feature engineering procedures in step 5 and a file containing the predictive probability for each potential enhancer-promoter interaction.
    Command line usage: python -i <path to the raw feature matrix>

  8. This script is used to generate the null probability distribution for potential enhancer-promoter interactions. In this step, each feature is permuted randomly across all samples. The permuted features are then used as the input of the trained random forest model to generate the null probabilities. The input and usage are the same as step 7.

  9. pFDR_procedure.R: This script uses the pFDR procedure to integrate the genomic distance information. The first step is to calculate a p-value for each enhancer-promoter interaction based on the predictive probability from step 7 and null predictive probabilities step 8. The second step is to calculate a q-value using the pFDR procedure based on the genomic distances and p-values.
    Inputs: the result of step 7 and step 8.
    Outputs: A file containing q-values and statistically significant enhancer-promoter interactions given the q-value threshold.
    Command line usage: Rscript pFDR_procedure.R <path to the predictive probability> <path to the null predictive probability> <q-value threshold>


Algorithm to predict long-range enhancer-gene links based on protein-protein interactions using random forest models






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