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Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem


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Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem % Authors: % William Arloff [email protected]

% Below is code for a GRASP algorithm for the Traveling salesman problem % The algorithm works by calling the Greedy Random Initialization % to get a greedy randomization of the cities. Next the code implements the % Local search function which takes the initialized cities and searches for % an even better solution. The Code below will output the final set of % best found cities, the greedy initialization of cities, the best found % distance from the greedy intitialization, and the best found distance for % the local search.

% The three main functions are as follows

% --------------------- Greedy Random Initialization -------------------% %[ used, total ] = GreedyRandomInit(cities, randsize)

    % Cities --->  Matrix of cities inputted into the function
                    % For greedy random initialization
    % randsize ---->   The number of random cities that the greedy 
                   % algorithm will pick from when chosing the 
                   % next greedy solution, if there is a randsize of 4
                   % then one of the 4 best cities that are next will
                   % chosen at random to be the next city in the greedy
                   % random solution. Enter an integer from 1 to the
                   % size of the amount of cities entered. This is
                   % called the restricted candidate list randsize
                   % determines the size of the restricted candidate
                   % list
    % used -------->  Used is the set of cities that have been found
                   % by the greedy random method
    % total ------>   Total is the total distance of the path traveled
                    % by the final set of cities.

% ------------------------ LOCAL SEARCH --------------------------------%

% [ best_set, best_dist ] =LocalSearch( Cities, Type_Of_Search)

        % Cities ------ Cities are the x and y coordinates of the
                       % Cities in column form
        % Type_Of_Search ----- Type of search must be either entered as
                       % 'Best' or 'First' signaling which type of
                       % local search is desired.  For more information
                       % on the best or first procedure, see the main
                       % file.

        % best_set ---------- The output of cities that the local
                       % search found to be the optimal solution
        % best_dist ----------- The total distance of the path of the
                                % cities.

%---------------------------- GRASP ------------------------------------%

% [ global_best_set, global_best_dist ] = GRASP(max_iterations,... % cities, randsize, type_of_search )

        % max_iterations ------- Number of allowed iterations where no 
                                % better solutions are found

        % global_best_set ----- The best found set by GRASP
        % global_best_dist ----- The best found distance of the set of
                                % cities in grasp

%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %////////////////////////// IMPORTANT \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ %\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

% THE PLOTTSP FUNCTION IS A FUNCTION FROM MATLAB CENTRAL THAT PLOTS % THE CITIES OF A TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM. We did not develop the code % and give all the credit to the developer

% This code was developed by % Author: Jonas Lundgren [email protected] 2012

% Copyright (c) 2012, Jonas Lundgren % All rights reserved.


% This code was developed by % Author: Matt Fig % Contact: [email protected] % Date: 5/30/2009

%------------------------------ METHOD --------------------------------%

% The code first creates a greedy random initialization of the cities % First the code randomly mixes the cities and chooses at random a start % point, Next code finds the next 'randsize' amount of closest cities % and chooses randomly which of those cities to pick next. The code places % the cities into two piles, a used pile and an unused pile cities chosen % will enter the used pile in order, and will be deleted from the unused % pile, the code iterates until the unused pile is empty. The greedy random % initialization then caluclates the distance of the path and outputs the % set of cities, and the distance.

% The code then passes this greedy random initializaton of cities to the % local search procedure. The local search procedure has two types of local % search.

% The 'First' procedure for local search iterates through all % possible combinations of city swaps, until it finds a swap that has a % distance lower than the best distance found. The set that includes the % swapped cities becomes the best found set thus far and then the 'First' % procedure iterates through all of the possible city swaps again % and attempts to find a new set of cities with a smaller distance. The % procedure is called 'First' because it chooses the first better solution % and keeps that solution. The 'First' procedure ends by trying all % possible swaps and not finding a swap that gives a smaller total % distance. % % The 'Best' Procedure for local search iterates through all % possible combinations of city swaps and keeps all of the sets of cities % with swaps that have a lower total distance then the best city set found. % The procedure then chooses the set of cities with the lowest distance % from that set of sets of cities. % The procedure sets that set of cities as the best set of cities, and the % total distance of those cities as the best distance found thus far. The % procedure continues this process until there are no sets of cities with % better total distances.

% The GRASP function encompasses both the greedy random intitialization,and % the local search procedures, the grasp function runs the greedy random, % and local search in that order and keeps the best set of cities. The % GRASP algorithm stops when there is no change over a user defined number % of iterations.

% The code then plots the output of the local search outputs to the screen % the greedy initial random distance and the local search % distance. The final set of cities is in the workspace labeled % global_best_set

% ---------------------------- DIRECTIONS ------------------------------- %

% First run the Main file. Then enter the number of cities you wish to % perform GRASP on. The code will upload the cities. Next input the size % of the restricted candidate list for the Greedy Random Initialization % function. We recommend a range of 1-7.
% Next, enter the number of iterations GRASP will go through. % We recommend 20-50 iterations. Next Enter the type of local search you % wish to be performed, the options are 'First' and 'Best' % Use single quotations for your input of 'Best' of 'First'. in our input. For more % information on first and best read the sections on first and best in the % method section. The Code will output the sum of the distances for the % cities and a plot of the cities and the path traveled. The array of the % best found cities can be found in the workspace under 'global_best_set'.


Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem







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