Tags: watson-developer-cloud/node-sdk
chore(release): 10.0.0 [skip ci] # [10.0.0](v9.1.0...v10.0.0) (2024-12-04) ### Code Refactoring * **auth:** remove deprecated AuthorizationV1 class ([3f8addb](3f8addb)) ### Features * **discov1:** remove discoV1 ([936edc1](936edc1)) * **discov2:** add functions for new batches api ([5f81415](5f81415)) * **lt:** remove lt and other deprecated resources ([6478da6](6478da6)) * **stt:** add new speech models ([c4105ca](c4105ca)) * **WxA:** add new functions and update required params ([b710609](b710609)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **auth:** AuthorizationV1 is removed in favor of the long supported node-sdk-core authenticators located in /auth * **WxA:** `environmentId` now required for `message` and `messageStateless` functions Add support for message streaming and new APIs New functions: createProviders, listProviders, updateProviders, createReleaseExport, downloadReleaseExport, createReleaseImport, getReleaseImportStatus, messageStream, messageStreamStateless * **lt:** LanguageTranslator functionality has been removed * **discov1:** DiscoveryV1 functionality has been removed
chore(release): 9.1.0 [skip ci] # [9.1.0](v9.0.1...v9.1.0) (2024-05-17) ### Features * **discov2:** add ocrEnabled parameter ([5a9c30e](5a9c30e)) * **stt:** add speechBeginEvent param to recognize func ([8f19640](8f19640)) * **stt:** remove interimResults and lowLatency wss params ([6c79d93](6c79d93))
chore(release): 9.0.0 [skip ci] # [9.0.0](v8.0.0...v9.0.0) (2024-02-26) ### Features * **disco-v2:** interface changes ([619d09b](619d09b)) * **disco-v2:** new params for EnrichmentOptions ([e826b89](e826b89)) * **mcsp:** expose McspAuthenticator ([94d3efc](94d3efc)) * **stt:** new params ([06bb328](06bb328)) * **ts:** add better ts typing and linting ([762c6bf](762c6bf)) * **wa-v2:** new params orchestration and asyncCallout ([5124107](5124107)) * **wa-v2:** support for private variables ([784c476](784c476)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **wa-v2:** Renaming and changing of multiple interfaces
chore(release): 8.0.0 [skip ci] # [8.0.0](v7.1.2...v8.0.0) (2023-03-16) ### Bug Fixes * **deps:** upgrade core version to address jsonwebtoken vulnerability ([67b169d](67b169d)) ### Features * **assistantv2:** add several new functions ([2eae4e9](2eae4e9)) * **assistantv2:** improved typing ([730114e](730114e)) * **discov2:** new aggregation types ([9409082](9409082)) * **lt,stt:** add and remove model constants ([d41c7ee](d41c7ee)) * **nlu:** remove all sentimentModel functions ([0f17d68](0f17d68)) * **nlu:** remove beta model param from Sentiment ([8815b1a](8815b1a)) * **stt, tts:** add more models ([93cbe80](93cbe80)) * **tts:** add new params to websocket function ([13ab63f](13ab63f)) * **tts:** add params and add model constants ([b9fad7b](b9fad7b)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **assistantv2:** createSession param removed * **assistantv2:** removing and changing of interface properties * **discov2:** confidence property removed * **discov2:** smartDocumentUnderstanding param removed * **discov2:** QueryAggregation structure changed * **nlu:** remove all sentimentModel functions and interfaces
chore(release): 7.1.0 [skip ci] # [7.1.0](v7.0.0...v7.1.0) (2022-08-10) ### Features * **assistant-v1:** update models and add new methods ([e320105](e320105)) * **assistant-v2:** update models and add new methods ([0a66745](0a66745)) * **discovery-v2:** update models and add several new methods ([d8bf765](d8bf765)) * **nlu:** add trainingParameters parameter ([6e3f676](6e3f676)) * **package.json:** upgrade bm-cloud-sdk-core ([ab019de](ab019de)) * **stt:** update parameters ([3be4085](3be4085)) * **tts:** add parameters ([a3ed589](a3ed589)) * **wss:** add new websocket params ([8cce07c](8cce07c))
chore(release): 7.0.0 [skip ci] # [7.0.0](v6.2.2...v7.0.0) (2022-03-21) ### Features * **assistantv1:** assistant v1 generated with new spec ([5c6e9db](5c6e9db)) * **assistantv2:** assistant v2 generated with new spec ([7f7d96f](7f7d96f)) * **compare-comply:** remove compare-comply ([a851442](a851442)) * **discoveryv1:** discovery v1 generated with new spec ([cf1d976](cf1d976)) * **discoveryv1:** regen with more recent defs ([46752a1](46752a1)) * **lt:** lT generated with new spec ([ed54e99](ed54e99)) * **nlc:** remove NLC ([698b3be](698b3be)) * **nlu:** nLU generated with new spec ([beeb8a0](beeb8a0)) * **pi:** remove PI ([350ed36](350ed36)) * **secrets:** run detect secrets ([5a5690a](5a5690a)) * **stt:** change addGrammar to take a file ([d21b462](d21b462)) * **stt:** stt generated with new spec ([ec98a33](ec98a33)) * **tone analyzer:** remove tone analyzer ([fbd5be1](fbd5be1)) * **tts:** tTS generated with new spec ([b1e87d3](b1e87d3)) * **vizrec:** remove vizrec ([a6f3134](a6f3134)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **stt:** addGrammar no longer accepts a string and must take a file * **discoveryv1:** QueryAggregation subclasses changed, be sure to regen models * **stt:** Changed file type of addGrammar from String to Data * **discoveryv1:** QueryAggregation - subclasses have changed * **assistantv2:** MessageOutputDebug - renamed DialogNodesVisited to DialogNodeVisited; RuntimeEntity - removed optional metadata property * **assistantv1:** Removed required text property on outputdata and removed optional metadata property from runtimeentity * **tone analyzer:** Tone Analyzer functionality has been removed * **vizrec:** VizRec functionality has been removed * **pi:** PI functionality has been removed * **nlc:** NLC functionality has been removed * **compare-comply:** Compare and comply functionality has been removed