The following example converts the contents of the 'Microsoft\Windows\DNS-Server\Analytical' event trace log into an EVTX log format at the point in time the function was called.
If the Event Log "DNSServer-Analytical" does not exist, it is created at runtime. Likewise, circular logging is enabled, and the logsize is set to 524288 KB
Import-Module 'C:\path\to\ETL-to-EVTX.psd1'
ConvertTo-EvtxLogFormat `
-EtlFilePath "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl" `
-EvtxLogName "DNSServer-Analytical"
The following example calls ConvertTo-EvtxLogFormat every 30 seconds adding any log entries that are not already written to "DNSServer-Analytical" log file. The example also demonstrates changing the Event Log Max Size to approximately 256MB.
This code sample should be considered "proof-of-concept". You might see performance degradation on your server if you run the code in a loop 24/7. It might make more sense to run the previous example as a scheduled task at a desired frequency. This should prevent memory allocation buildup.
Import-Module 'C:\path\to\ETL-to-EVTX.psd1'
while ($true) {
ConvertTo-EvtxLogFormat `
-EtlFilePath "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl" `
-EvtxLogName "DNSServer-Analytical" `
-EvtxMaxLogSize 268435456 `
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
VERBOSE: Created a new Event Log: 'DNSServer-Analytical'.
VERBOSE: Imposed the following limits on 'DNSServer-Analytical' || Size(KB): 524288 | OverflowAction: OverwriteAsNeeded
VERBOSE: Imported 15964 log entries from: 'C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl'.
VERBOSE: Added 15964 events to EventLog: 'DNSServer-Analytical'
VERBOSE: Imported 16539 log entries from: 'C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl'.
VERBOSE: The last event written to 'DNSServer-Analytical' occurred on: 10/16/2018 16:27:47.
VERBOSE: Added 73 events to EventLog: 'DNSServer-Analytical'
VERBOSE: Imported 16775 log entries from: 'C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl'.
VERBOSE: The last event written to 'DNSServer-Analytical' occurred on: 10/16/2018 16:28:45.
VERBOSE: Added 50 events to EventLog: 'DNSServer-Analytical'