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Model the noise through a beta binomial distribution
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When I fit a beta distribution to the proportions of markers in taxons,
I get sample size 6778.2 estimate for EukDetect
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wbazant committed Aug 26, 2021
1 parent 997c746 commit ab36797
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ The default `--refdb-format` is `generic`, which tries to produce nice names, bu
Apply a filter to alignments sumarized at the taxa level.

### Usage
This is a demo program, which asks for two markers to be present for a taxon
This is a demo program, which asks for two markers to be present for a taxon.

summarize_marker_alignments --input tests/data/example.sam --output /dev/stdout --output-type taxon_read_and_marker_count \
Expand All @@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ summarize_marker_alignments --input tests/data/example.sam --output /dev/stdout
--require-min-markers 2

There's an option to model the noise after a beta binomial distribution and pick a good `--require-min-markers` value, but it's still experimental.

## Known issues
Quantitative information obtained by aligning to a EukDetect reference database might be a little bit dodgy since there are typically very few reads.

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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser.add_argument("--require-min-markers", type=int, action="store", dest="require_min_markers", help = "Require min markers to keep a taxon")
parser.add_argument("--use-noise-model-with-confidence-threshold", type=float, action="store", dest="noise_threshold", help = "Use a null model where markers associate with taxa at random with the provided confidence threshold, and infer an appropriate value for --require-min-markers")
parser.add_argument("--total-num-taxa", type=int, action="store", dest="total_num_taxa", help = "Total number of taxa in the reference - required for fitting the noise model")
parser.add_argument("--taxon-to-markers-beta-sample-size", type=float, action="store", dest="beta_sample_size", help = "Sample size (sum of shape parameters a and b when proportion of markers per taxon is modelled as a beta distribution) - required for fitting the noise model")
parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, action="store", dest="output_path", help = "output path", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help = "turn on logging")

Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
if options.noise_threshold and not options.total_num_taxa:
raise ValueError("--total-num-taxa required if --use-noise-model-with-confidence-threshold is provided")

if options.noise_threshold and not options.beta_sample_size:
raise ValueError("--taxon-to-markers-beta-sample-size required if --use-noise-model-with-confidence-threshold is provided")

lines, fieldnames = [], {}
with open(options.input_path) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
Expand All @@ -46,9 +50,9 @@ def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
if n not in taxon_counts_with_num_markers:
taxon_counts_with_num_markers[n] = 0
taxon_counts_with_num_markers[n] += 1
cutoff, confidence = cutoff_fit_for_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, options.noise_threshold)
cutoff, confidence = cutoff_fit_for_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, options.beta_sample_size, options.noise_threshold, logger)
num_markers = sum([j * taxon_counts_with_num_markers[j] for j in taxon_counts_with_num_markers])"Built a null model of %s markers each independently assigned uniformly at random to one of all %s taxa", num_markers, options.total_num_taxa)"Built a null model of %s markers assigned to one of all %s taxa through a beta binomial distribution", num_markers, options.total_num_taxa)"In the data, taxa the fewest number of markers probable under the null model with less than --use-noise-model-with-confidence-threshold value %s is %s ", options.noise_threshold, cutoff)"The likelihood of %s taxa with %s markers occuring under the null model was calculated to be %s", taxon_counts_with_num_markers[cutoff], cutoff, confidence )
if options.require_min_markers and options.require_min_markers > cutoff:
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from scipy.stats import binom
from scipy.stats import binom, betabinom

def cutoff_fit_for_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, noise_threshold):
model = fit_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers)
def cutoff_fit_for_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, beta_sample_size, noise_threshold, logger):
model = fit_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, beta_sample_size, logger)
ns_above_threshold = [(n,p) for (n,p) in model if p <= noise_threshold]
if not ns_above_threshold:
return None
Expand All @@ -17,41 +17,55 @@ def cutoff_fit_for_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, noise_threshold):
# We address this by fitting a null model to the data, and returning the first value for which
# the null model no longer fits.
def fit_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers):
def fit_noise_model(taxon_counts_with_num_markers, beta_sample_size, logger):
total_num_markers = sum([j * taxon_counts_with_num_markers[j] for j in taxon_counts_with_num_markers])
num_taxa = sum([taxon_counts_with_num_markers[j] for j in taxon_counts_with_num_markers])
if num_taxa == 0: return []

# suppose (somewhat pessimistically) that there is no information content between markers found
# and taxa present - the data would be just as good if each marker was independently assigned to a taxon
# uniformly at random.
# Then the number of markers for each taxon can be modelled as a binomially distributed random variable B_i, with:
# Then the number of markers for each taxon B_i can be modelled as a binomially distributed random variable, with:
markers_for_each_taxon_n = total_num_markers
markers_for_each_taxon_p = 1.0 / num_taxa

# That actually doesn't fit super well because taxa in the reference have different sizes -
# if we pick a subset of markers at random, some taxa will get more of them than others.
# Instead, model B_i as a beta binomial distributed random variable with the same mean.

markers_for_each_taxon_shape_a = markers_for_each_taxon_p * beta_sample_size
markers_for_each_taxon_shape_b = (1 - markers_for_each_taxon_p) * beta_sample_size

log=["Distributing {} markers across {} taxa, counts of taxa with k markers are:".format(total_num_markers, num_taxa)]
log.append("\t".join(["k", "actual", "expected", "pmf", "p(at least actual)"]))
results = []
for num_markers in sorted(taxon_counts_with_num_markers.keys()):
# there were this many taxa in the dataset
taxon_count = taxon_counts_with_num_markers[num_markers]
# null hypothesis: this is not yet above what we expect randomly
# what's the chance of this happening?

num_markers_pmf = betabinom.pmf(k = num_markers, n = markers_for_each_taxon_n, a = markers_for_each_taxon_shape_a, b = markers_for_each_taxon_shape_b)
# num_markers_pmf = binom.pmf(k = num_markers, n = markers_for_each_taxon_n, p = markers_for_each_taxon_p)
p = probability_at_least_taxon_count_num_markers_taxa(
markers_for_each_taxon_n, markers_for_each_taxon_p,
num_taxa, num_markers, taxon_count)
log.append("%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2g\t%.2g" % (num_markers, taxon_count, round(num_markers_pmf * num_taxa, 2), num_markers_pmf, p ))
results.append((num_markers, p))"\n".join(log))
return results

def probability_at_least_taxon_count_num_markers_taxa(markers_for_each_taxon_n, markers_for_each_taxon_p, num_taxa, num_markers, taxon_count):
def probability_at_least_taxon_count_num_markers_taxa(num_markers_pmf, num_taxa, num_markers, taxon_count):
if num_markers == 0:
return 1
if taxon_count == 0:
return 1
if num_taxa == 0 and num_markers > 0:
return 0

# calculate P(B_i = num_markers)
num_markers_pmf = binom.pmf(k = num_markers, n = markers_for_each_taxon_n, p = markers_for_each_taxon_p)
# define I(i, num_markers) to be 1 if B_i = num_markers and 0 otherwise
# and let C(num_markers) be the sum of I(i, num_markers) over i
# if I(i, num_markers) were independent, each C(num_markers) would follow a binomial distribution, with:
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import argparse
import sys
import statistics

from scipy.stats import beta

def read_taxon_to_num_markers(path):
taxon_to_num_markers = {}
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
(marker, taxon) = line.rstrip().split("\t")
if taxon not in taxon_to_num_markers:
taxon_to_num_markers[taxon] = 0

return taxon_to_num_markers

def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="refdb stats",
formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, action="store", dest="input_refdb_path", help = "Input refdb", required=True)


taxon_to_num_markers = read_taxon_to_num_markers(options.input_refdb_path)

print("Num taxa: {}".format(len(taxon_to_num_markers.keys())))
total_num_markers = sum(taxon_to_num_markers.values())
print("Num markers: {}".format(total_num_markers))
print("Mean markers: {}".format(statistics.mean(taxon_to_num_markers.values())))
print("Variance markers: {}".format(statistics.variance(taxon_to_num_markers.values())))

num_markers_fracs = [1.0 * x / total_num_markers for x in sorted(taxon_to_num_markers.values())]
(a, b, loc, scale) =, floc=0, fscale=1)
beta_mean = a /(a+b)
beta_mode = (a-1)/(a+b -2)
beta_sample_size = a+b
print("Shape parameters for a beta fit:\n a = {}\n b = {}\n mean = {}\n mode = {}\n sample size = {}".format(a,b, beta_mean, beta_mode, beta_sample_size))

if __name__ == "__main__":
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import unittest

import logging
from marker_alignments.filter.noise_model import fit_noise_model as t
from marker_alignments.filter.noise_model import fit_noise_model

def t(taxon_to_num_markers):
return fit_noise_model(taxon_to_num_markers, 10000)

class NoiseModel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_zeros_at_the_end(self):
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