This repository contains a KNIME plugin which provides nodes interacting with Slack.
It uses the jslack package to interact with Slack.
Current capabilities include:
- Get channel list
- Post single message to Slack from KNIME where channel and message are specified in the dialog
- Use values from a table to post multiple messages to slack
Create a bot in your Slack workspace see Then provide the bots user OAuth token in the KNIME preferences. See instructions from the jslack library.
Each node can override the preference with a new Bot token either allowing multiple bots in one Slack workspace or access to bots in different Slack workspaces.
On the 31/03/2020 the following works for setting up a knime-bot:
- Navigate to
- Select Create New App and fill in the modal dialog with the App Name and Workspace
- Select OAuth and Permissions
- Under Scopes > Bot Token scopes add: channels:history, channels:read, chat:write, chat:write.public, groups:read, im:read, mpim:read, users:read
- Select Install App / Reinstall apps
Use the Bot User OAuth Access Token in the KNIME nodes.
Fewer scopes may be possible if you need less functionality.
The value specified in the KNIME / Slack preferences page will be used to auto populate the OAth token setting in each node.
Get the channels the bot user is able to see.
This node can be placed at the start, middle or end of a workflow as the input port is optional. Use it to define a message within the dialog to send upon execution.
The nodes can be build manually in eclipse or via buckminster. The nodes are currently available in the KNIME community update site:
For the tests to execute an environment variable 'SLACK_USER_OATH_TOKEN' must be configured with the Bots OAuth token.