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JurgenKuyper edited this page Feb 18, 2023
54 revisions
/dynmap hide
: Hides the player from the map. -
/dynmap hide thedude
: Hides the player thedude from the map. -
/dynmap show
: Shows the player on the map again. -
/dynmap show thedude
: Shows the player thedude on the map again.
/dynmap render
: renders one tile of the map where you are standing. -
/dynmap fullrender
: Attempts to render all maps of the entire world from your location (or from the center of that world, if issued from the server console). -
/dynmap fullrender world
: Attempts to render all maps of the world namedworld
from the center of that world. -
/dynmap fullrender world:surface
: Attempts to render the map namedsurface
for the world namedworld
from the center of that world. -
/dynmap fullrender resume <world>
: Resume render of all maps for world . Skip already rendered tiles. -
/dynmap fullrender resume <world>:<map>
: Resume render of map of world . Skip already rendered tiles. -
/dynmap radiusrender radius
: attempts to render at least aradius
block area, centered on your current location. -
/dynmap radiusrender radius mapname
: attempts to render at least aradius
block area, centered on your current location of map 'mapname' -
/dynmap radiusrender world x z radius
: attempts to render at least aradius
block area, centered on 'x,64,z' on world 'world'. -
/dynmap updaterender
: attempts to render tiles needing updating, starting at current location, for all maps. Stops at edge of map and at tiles that don't need updating. -
/dynmap updaterender mapname
: attempts to render tiles needing updating, starting at current location, for given map. Stops at edge of map and at tiles that don't need updating. -
/dynmap updaterender world x z
: attempts to render tiles needing updating, starting at given location <x,z> on given world, for all maps. Stops at edge of map and at tiles that don't need updating. -
/dynmap updaterender world x z mapname
: attempts to render tiles needing updating, starting at given location <x,z> on given world, for given map. Stops at edge of map and at tiles that don't need updating. -
/dynmap cancelrender world
: cancels any active fullrender or radiusrender on the given world. -
/dynmap purgequeue
: clears the tile update queue -
/dynmap purgeworld world
: purge all the map files for world 'world' -
/dynmap purgemap world map
: purge all the map files for map 'map' on world 'world' -
/dynmap pause all
: pause all map rendering (updates and full/radius renders) -
/dynmap pause none
: resume all map rendering -
/dynmap quiet
: toggle render messages
/dynmap stats
: shows rendering statistics for all maps on all worlds. -
/dynmap stats world
: shows rendering statistics for maps on world world. -
/dynmap triggerstats
: shows triggered render statistics for all worlds. -
/dynmap resetstats
: resets rendering statistics for all maps on all worlds. -
/dynmap resetstats world
: resets rendering statistics for maps on world world.
These commands are only available if the Markers Component has been enabled (v0.22 or later required).
/dmarker add <label> icon:<icon> set:<set-id>
: adds a new marker at the player's current location, with a given label and optional icon and optional marker set -
/dmarker add id:<id> <label> icon:<icon> set:<set-id>
: adds a new marker at the player's current location, with the given ID, the given label and optional icon and optional marker set -
/dmarker add id:<id> <label> icon:<icon> set:<set-id> x:<x-coord> y:<y-coord> z:<z-coord> world:<Worldname>
: adds a new marker at the given location, with the given ID, the given label and optional icon and optional marker set -
/dmarker movehere <label>
: updates the location of the first marker matching the given label to match the current player's position -
/dmarker movehere id:<id>
: updates the location of the marker with the given ID to match the current player's position -
/dmarker update <label> icon:<newicon> newlabel:<newlabel>
: updates the icon and/or label of the first marker matching the given label -
/dmarker update id:<id> icon:<newicon> newlabel:<newlabel>
: updates the icon and/or label of the marker with the given ID -
/dmarker delete <label>
: deletes the first marker matching the given label -
/dmarker delete id:<id>
: deletes the marker with the given ID -
/dmarker list
: lists the attributes of all the defined markers in the default marker set -
/dmarker list set:<set-id>
: lists the attributes of all the defined markers in the given marker set -
/dmarker icons
: lists the attributes of all the icons defined for use by markers -
/dmarker addset <label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> minzoom:<minzoom>
: add new marker set with given label (ID = label) -
/dmarker addset id:<id> <label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> minzoom:<minzoom>
: add new marker set with given ID and label -
/dmarker updateset <label> newlabel:<new-label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> minzoom:<minzoom>
: update marker set with given label (ID = label) -
/dmarker updateset id:<id> newlabel:<new-label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> minzoom:<minzoom>
: update marker set with given ID -
/dmarker deleteset <label>
: delete marker set with given label -
/dmarker deleteset id:<id>
: delete marker set with given ID -
/dmarker listsets
: list all markers -
/dmarker addicon id:<id> <label> file:"filename"
: Install new icon, with given ID and label, and using given file (path is handled relative to MC server directory, and file contents are copied). -
/dmarker updateicon id:<id> newlabel:<label> file:"filename"
: Update icon, replacing existing settings with provided new values. -
/dmarker deleteicon id:<id>
: delete icon with given ID -
/dmarker addcorner
: add corner to corner list using current location -
/dmarker addcorner <x> <y> <z> <world>
: add corner with given x, y and z coordinate on given world to corner list -
/dmarker clearcorners
: clear corner list -
/dmarker addarea <label>
: add new area with given label using corner list -
/dmarker addarea id:<id> <label>
: add new area with given ID using corner list -
/dmarker deletearea <label>
: delete area with given label -
/dmarker deletearea id:<id> <label>
: delete area with given ID -
/dmarker listareas
: list details of all areas -
/dmarker updatearea <label> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of area with given label -
/dmarker updatearea <id> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of area with given ID -
/dmarker updatearea <id> label:<label> newlabel:<newlabel>
: update marker label of area with given ID -
/dmarker addcircle <label>
: add new circle with given label using corner list -
/dmarker addcircle id:<id> <label>
: add new circle with given ID using corner list -
/dmarker deletecircle <label>
: delete circle with given label -
/dmarker deletecircle id:<id> <label>
: delete circle with given ID -
/dmarker listcircles
: list details of all circles -
/dmarker updatecircle <label> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of circle with given label -
/dmarker updatecircle <id> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of circle with given ID -
/dmarker updatecircle <id> label:<label> newlabel:<newlabel>
: update marker label of circle with given ID -
/dmarker addline <label>
: add new line with given label using corner list -
/dmarker addline id:<id> <label>
: add new line with given ID using corner list -
/dmarker deleteline <label>
: delete line with given label -
/dmarker deleteline id:<id> <label>
: delete line with given ID -
/dmarker listlines
: list details of all lines -
/dmarker updateline <label> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of line with given label -
/dmarker updateline id:<id> <arg>:<value> ...
: update attributes of line with given ID -
/dmarker appenddesc id:<id> set:<set-id> desc:"<marker-description>"
: append given text onto description field on a marker -
/dmarker resetdesc id:<id> set:<set-id>
: reset description of a marker
/dmap worldlist
: list all worlds configured (enabled or disabled) -
/dmap worldset worldname enabled:<true|false>
: Set world 'worldname' enabled or disabled -
/dmap worldset worldname center:<x/y/z|here|default>
: Set map center position for world 'worldname' -
/dmap worldset worldname extrazoomout:<N>
: set extra zoom out levels for world 'worldname' -
/dmap worldset worldname title:<label>
: set title for world 'worldname' -
/dmap worldset worldname sendposition:<true|false> sendhealth:<true|false>
: set send-position and/or send-health flags for world 'worldname' -
/dmap worldset worldname order:<N>
: set position of world 'worldname' to Nth position in world list -
/dmap worldreset worldname
: Reset world 'worldname' to its default template configuration -
/dmap worldreset worldname templatename
: Reset world 'worldname' to template 'templatename' configuration -
/dmap maplist worldname
: List details of all maps for world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapdelete worldname:mapname
: Delete map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapadd worldname:mapname attrib:val attrib:val
: Create new map 'mapname' on world 'worldname', with given attributes (all 'mapset' parameters are usable) -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname order:<N>
: Set position of map 'mapname' to Nth in the list of maps for world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname prefix:<prefix>
: Set filename prefix for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname title:<label>
: Set title for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname icon:<icon-file>
: Set icon filename for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' (relative to 'webpath' directory) -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname mapzoomin:<N>
: Set the map zoom in level for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname perspective:<perspective> shader:<shader> lighting:<lighting>
: Set perspective, shader and/or lighting for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' -
/dmap mapset worldname:mapname img-format:<format>
: Set the image format for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' (png, jpg, jpg-q90, jpq-q95, etc). -
/dmap perspectivelist
: List all defined perspectives -
/dmap shaderlist
: List all defined shaders -
/dmap lightinglist
: List all defined lightings -
/dmap worldgetlimits <world>
: this returns the visibility and hidden limits for a world, as a single list with 'limittype' of visible or hidden, and the settings showing the shape's attributes -
/dmap worldaddlimit <world> corner1:<x1>/<z1> corner2:<x2>/<z2>
: this adds a visibility limit, shaped as a rectangle, from block coordinate x1, z1 to x2, z2. You can add as many as you choose. -
/dmap worldaddlimit <world> corner1:<x1>/<z1> corner2:<x2>/<z2> limittype:hidden
: this adds a hidden limit, shaped as a rectangle, from block coordinate x1, z1 to x2, z2. this is the inverse of the normal visibilitylimit. -
/dmap worldaddlimit <world> type:round center:<x>/<z> radius:<radius>
: this adds a visibility limit, shaped as a circle, centered at block x, z and with radius . You can add as many as you choose. -
/dmap worldremovelimit <world> <index>
: this removes the limit with index (as shown in the list from/dmap worldgetlimits
) -
/dmap worldaddlimit <world> style:<air|stone|ocean>
The default is 'stone', so be sure to change this to 'air' if you'd prefer hidden chunks to be 'clipped' (for example, if you want chunk generated outside a worldborder, such as happens with structures and the like), changing to 'air' is best.
Various other commands.
/dynmap sendtoweb message ...
: Send a message to the web UIs only -
/dynmap ids-for-ip ip-address
: List player IDs that have logged in from given IP address (most recent to least) -
/dynmap ips-for-id player-id
: List IP addresses that have been used to connect to server by given player ID -
/dynmap add-id-for-ip player-id ip-address
: Add given player ID to front of list of known IDs for given IP address -
/dynmap del-id-for-ip player-id ip-address
: Remove given player ID from list of known IDs for given IP address. -
/dynmap webregister
: Start registration of own account for login on web interface -
/dynmap webregister player-id
: Start registration of another user's account for login on web interface -
/dynmap url
: shows the configured publicURL if defined
- Base Plugin Settings
- Web Setup
- Storage Setup
- HD Map Configuration
- World and template settings
- Guides
- Advanced Map Configuration
- Component Configuration
- Configuration of worlds
- Exporting World Data in Wavefront OBJ Format
- External Webserver Advanced
- Support for Minecraft Servers other than CraftBukkit
- Support for MinecraftForge based mods
- Support for Tekkit
- Custom Block Definitions
- Model Definition Files
- Texture Definition Files
- Defining a Block using a Custom Block Renderer
- Defining a Block using a Volumetric Model
- Defining a Cuboid Block
- Defining a Simple Block
- Defining Cuboid Models
- Defining Volumetric Models
- Special texture file types
- Using custom block renderers
- Incompatible mods