- Move asset icon 1c221b6
- Create npm-publish.yml 02e27c2
- Remove some badges 1757a9b
- Merge pull request #81 from balcsida/update_dependencies 2e0bff4
- Stip ANSI characters chalk.reset no longer works 481b608
- Set minimum node engine requirement to 12 de84124
- Remove old CI/CD stuff eca1b82
- Fix manifest validation fff16de
- Fix Standard errors 2b37247
- Update dependencies b36309f
- Merge pull request #80 from balcsida/ghactions 72ce064
- Add lockfiles as CI uses them 8d1a735
- Create node.js.yml 9effc94
- Merge branch 'ghactions' of https://github.com/balcsida/webpack-webextension-plugin into ghactions c89bc3b
- Remove travis and appveyor configuration d6ab63a
- Remove travis and appveyor configuration f0664b9
- Merge pull request #36 from ermik/fix-reload-regex bfe0ba9
- always return an array from getManifestFileDeps 3d70eb5
- build fileRegex object only once per init 51e7988
- Rename .renovate.json to renovate.json ea713a3