Typescript Express Server API over MySQL DB
Implements web socket in order to push updated inventory detail notifications.
DDL for database, plus sample insert data in the /ddl
GET /api/products - Fetch Products
- returns array of products
[ { product_name: string, product_current_count: integer, product_manual_count: integer }, ... ]
- returns array of products
PATCH /api/products - Bulk Update
requires array of product names and quantities to increment (optional forceReset flag to reset current and manual counts for a product)
{ productUpdates: [ { product_name: string, product_qty: integer }, ... ], forceReset: boolean }
returns count of updated rows
{ affectedRows: integer }
PATCH /api/products/:product_name - Remove Stock
requires product name in URL path, and product_qty to decrement stock by
{ product_qty: integer }
returns count of updated rows
{ affectedRows: integer }
Required Build environment variables :
e.g. localhostDB_USER
e.g. rootDB_PWORD
e.g. ********DB_NAME
e.g. truepill
Required Test environment variables :
e.g. truepill_test
yarn install
yarn run dev
Builds in to the /build
yarn run prod
My TDD was based around whole endpoint integration tests, using supertest
, against a test MySQL database (see environment variables). These tests were mostly happy path tests and need extending.
I would add some unit tests but have not done so now - but the integration tests still run through Mocha and will contribute to coverage.
yarn test
Production code needs process management, potentially via a node process manager, or via docker orchestration - not implemented.
Production code should include a proper logger - not chosen, and dependent on log digestion strategies.
Production database should probably include auto-incremented ID Primary Keys - but implmemented without as specified in requirements.
Production code would require security such as authorization tokens, and HTTPS