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Opalstack Terraform Provider

This is a Terraform provider for the Opalstack hosting api.

Swagger Codegen

The API client itself is built using Swagger Codegen from the OpenAPI documentation.

To regenerate the client run the following:

rm -rf swagger/
mkdir swagger/
cd swagger/
swagger-codegen generate -i -l go

I'm generally trying to add a comment anywhere I modify things from the auto-generated defaults, to make updates easier. I start the comment with SWAGGERMOD: for easy searching. I do my best to leave things alone, but sometimes there isn't an option.

API Mapping Notes

I tried to keep as close as possible to the terminology and semantics of the API.

I skipped the app "failed" and "installed" endpoints. They seem to be useful for running a script which installs application code after the app itself is installed. I can't think of any way this makes sense with Terraform. If you think of one, let me know.

Resource, mail, and schema endpoints aren't implemented. The former two only return access denied errors for me, and the latter one doesn't make sense in this context.

I'm skipping quarantinedmail because I'm not sure how to validate that I did it right, and I don't see a use with Terraform. File a ticket if you have a use case for this.

Mailuser has an update_public api endpoint, for which I don't know the use. I'll look at implementing it when I understand its purpose.


Not sure if this is the best way to do this, but here's how I go about it.

Make a folder for Terraform to cache the locally built version of your plugin. Modify darwin_amd64 to reflect the OS you are using. This is GOOS and GOARCH from the list in the Golang documentation. You can also get it from the output of terraform -version.

# Example for macOS
mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

Vendor the Golang modules. You may want to do this whenever you add a dependency.

go mod vendor

Whenever you want to test a change, compile the module and copy the binary to the folder you created above.

go build -o terraform-provider-opalstack && mv terraform-provider-opalstack ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

In another folder, create a Terraform file (I call it, and stick the following in it:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    opalstack = {
      version = "~> 0.0.1"
      source  = ""

provider "opalstack" {
  # Generate a token in the Opalstack admin and add it here. Or prepend all your Terraform commands with OPALSTACK_TOKEN=tokenfromopalstack
  token = "tokenfromopalstack"

In that folder, you can run rm .terraform.lock.hcl && terraform init && terraform plan to pick up the newly compiled version and run a plan. Technically the rm and terraform init are only required when the provider binary changes.

Affiliate link

If you appreciate this project and are spinning up a new Opalstack account, consider using my affiliate link so I'll get 10% of your Opalstack spend with the new account.


A Terraform provider for Opalstack hosting







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