The fastest hardware-limited mouse clicker for Windows with command line support.
This is a very simple application that does just one task but does it perfectly. The program emulates Windows mouse clicks once a triggered key is pressed by end-user. The application performs this job extremely quickly with theoretical speed limit reached. I have rewritten this program inspired by a currently obsolete project "Fast Mouse Clicker" by xytor.
My application utilizes the cutting-edge feature of the SendInput() system call that aggregates some 100-1000 mouse events in one array and fires this array to a computer hardware at once. Furthermore, my program calls Sleep() between SendInput() very precisely, based on the Windows High Resolution Timer, to completely eliminate any idle moments that could be spent otherwise to the mouse clicks.
NEW Command line has been supported: TheFastestMouseClicker.exe -c <clicks/s> -t -s -m {p|t} -b {l|m|r}, where '-m {p|t}' is the 'trigger key mode' {'press'|'toggle'}, '-b {l|m|r}' is the 'mouse button to click' {'left'|'middle'|'right'}. One may specify any part of arguments; unspecified or unrecognized values will be treated as defaults (see them by running the app without command line, e.g. from Windows programs menu).
NEW Auto-save all the clicking parameters has been added! This feature does not interfere parameters from the command line.
NEW Reset to default parameters button added.
NEW Fractional values for clicks/s parameter are supported. It allows you to click once in two seconds for example.
This is a second mirror, source-only. The main site is here and first mirror is here. See them for binaries download.