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Merge pull request hyperledger#1639 from swcurran/maintainers
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indy-plenum Maintainers as of today
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swcurran authored Jun 20, 2023
2 parents fd1bb82 + caba219 commit 698b950
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 0 deletions.
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# Maintainers

## Maintainer Scopes, GitHub Roles and GitHub Teams

Maintainers are assigned the following scopes in this repository:

| Scope | Definition | GitHub Role | GitHub Team |
| ---------- | ------------------------ | ----------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Admin | | Admin | [indy-admins] |
| Maintainer | The GitHub Maintain role | Maintain | [indy-plenum-maintainers] |
| Maintainer | The GitHub Maintain role | Maintain | [Indy Common] |
| Write | The GitHub Write role | Write | [Indy CI] |

[Indy CI]:
[Indy Common]:

## Active Maintainers

<!-- Please keep this sorted alphabetically by github -->

| GitHub ID | Name | Scope | LFID | Discord ID | Email | Company Affiliation |
| ------------------ | ----------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------- |
| andrewwhitehead | Andrew Whitehead | Admin | | | [email protected] | BC Gov |
| anikitinDSR | Andrew Nikitin | Maintainer | | | | |
| askolesov | Alexander Kolesov | Maintainer | | | | |
| brentzundel | Brent Zundel | Maintainer | | | [email protected] | Gen Digital |
| dhh1128 | Daniel Hardman | Admin | | | [email protected] | Provident |
| esplinr | Richard Esplin | Admin | | | | |
| hyperledger-ci | Hyperledger | | | | [email protected] | |
| hyperledger-github | Hyperledger | Admin | | | [email protected] | |
| mikelodder7 | Michael Lodder | Maintainer | | | | |
| nage | Nathan George | Admin | | | [email protected] | Kiva |
| pSchlarb | Philipp Schlarb | Maintainer | | | [email protected] | esatus |
| SovBot | Sovrin Bot | Write | | | [email protected] | Sovrin Foundation |
| swcurran | Stephen Curran | Admin | | | [email protected] | BC Gov |
| toktar | Renata Toktar | Maintainer | | | | |
| udosson | Robin Klemens | Maintainer | | | [email protected] | |
| vimmerru | Vyacheslav Gudkov | Maintainer | | | | |
| WadeBarnes | Wade Barnes | Admin | | | [email protected] | BC Gov, Sovrin Foundation |

## Emeritus Maintainers

| Name | GitHub ID | Scope | LFID | Discord ID | Email | Company Affiliation |
|----- | --------- | ----- | ---- | ---------- | ----- | ------------------- |
| | | | | | | |

## The Duties of a Maintainer

Maintainers are expected to perform the following duties for this repository. The duties are listed in more or less priority order:

- Review, respond, and act on any security vulnerabilities reported against the repository.
- Review, provide feedback on, and merge or reject GitHub Pull Requests from
- Review, triage, comment on, and close GitHub Issues
submitted by Contributors.
- When appropriate, lead/facilitate architectural discussions in the community.
- When appropriate, lead/facilitate the creation of a product roadmap.
- Create, clarify, and label issues to be worked on by Contributors.
- Ensure that there is a well defined (and ideally automated) product test and
release pipeline, including the publication of release artifacts.
- When appropriate, execute the product release process.
- Maintain the repository file and getting started documents to
give guidance and encouragement to those wanting to contribute to the product, and those wanting to become maintainers.
- Contribute to the product via GitHub Pull Requests.
- Monitor requests from the Hyperledger Technical Oversight Committee about the
contents and management of Hyperledger repositories, such as branch handling,
required files in repositories and so on.
- Contribute to the Hyperledger Project's Quarterly Report.

## Becoming a Maintainer

This community welcomes contributions. Interested contributors are encouraged to
progress to become maintainers. To become a maintainer the following steps
occur, roughly in order.

- The proposed maintainer establishes their reputation in the community,
including authoring five (5) significant merged pull requests, and expresses
an interest in becoming a maintainer for the repository.
- A PR is created to update this file to add the proposed maintainer to the list of active maintainers.
- The PR is authored by an existing maintainer or has a comment on the PR from an existing maintainer supporting the proposal.
- The PR is authored by the proposed maintainer or has a comment on the PR from the proposed maintainer confirming their interest in being a maintainer.
- The PR or comment from the proposed maintainer must include their
willingness to be a long-term (more than 6 month) maintainer.
- Once the PR and necessary comments have been received, an approval timeframe begins.
- The PR **MUST** be communicated on all appropriate communication channels, including relevant community calls, chat channels and mailing lists. Comments of support from the community are welcome.
- The PR is merged and the proposed maintainer becomes a maintainer if either:
- Two weeks have passed since at least three (3) Maintainer PR approvals have been recorded, OR
- An absolute majority of maintainers have approved the PR.
- If the PR does not get the requisite PR approvals, it may be closed.
- Once the add maintainer PR has been merged, any necessary updates to the GitHub Teams are made.

## Removing Maintainers

Being a maintainer is not a status symbol or a title to be carried
indefinitely. It will occasionally be necessary and appropriate to move a
maintainer to emeritus status. This can occur in the following situations:

- Resignation of a maintainer.
- Violation of the Code of Conduct warranting removal.
- Inactivity.
- A general measure of inactivity will be no commits or code review comments
for one reporting quarter. This will not be strictly enforced if
the maintainer expresses a reasonable intent to continue contributing.
- Reasonable exceptions to inactivity will be granted for known long term
leave such as parental leave and medical leave.
- Other circumstances at the discretion of the other Maintainers.

The process to move a maintainer from active to emeritus status is comparable to the process for adding a maintainer, outlined above. In the case of voluntary
resignation, the Pull Request can be merged following a maintainer PR approval. If the removal is for any other reason, the following steps **SHOULD** be followed:

- A PR is created to update this file to move the maintainer to the list of emeritus maintainers.
- The PR is authored by, or has a comment supporting the proposal from, an existing maintainer or Hyperledger GitHub organization administrator.
- Once the PR and necessary comments have been received, the approval timeframe begins.
- The PR **MAY** be communicated on appropriate communication channels, including relevant community calls, chat channels and mailing lists.
- The PR is merged and the maintainer transitions to maintainer emeritus if:
- The PR is approved by the maintainer to be transitioned, OR
- Two weeks have passed since at least three (3) Maintainer PR approvals have been recorded, OR
- An absolute majority of maintainers have approved the PR.
- If the PR does not get the requisite PR approvals, it may be closed.

Returning to active status from emeritus status uses the same steps as adding a
new maintainer. Note that the emeritus maintainer already has the 5 required
significant changes as there is no contribution time horizon for those.

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