An incomplete Marathon remote API client written in Clojure.
To install, add the following dependency to your project.clj file:
To get started, require the core namespace:
(require '[marathon-client.core :as marathon])
Next, create a marathon client:
(def c
(marathon/client {:uri "http://localhost:4343"}))
Once you have a client, you pass it to any of the implemented public functions. So far, that includes:
(create-app! c {:id "/test"
:cmd "sleep 100"})
(inspect-app c "/test")
(update-app! c "/test" {:cmd "sleep 1000"})
(destroy-app! "/test")
This project uses core.test, so to run tests:
lein test
This client is a work in progress; there are many endpoints left to implement. If you have a pressing need for a particular feature, create an issue.
Copyright © 2015 Will Farrell
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.