A pseudocode/algorithm formatter for sites powered by jekyll.
Sometimes you don't want to use a particular programming language to demonstrate a concept because of the syntactic overhead. Jekyll-Pseudo lets you use a gently styled free-formated representation.
indentation is preserved
a word beginning with a capital letter is a keyword
a word followed by parentheses is a function name
all other words are variables
words within double quotes are generally strings
these symbols are auto-formatted:
<-- <= >= --> =
Sample output:
{% pseudo %}
Function swap(old, new)
remaining <- quorumSize
success <- False
For Each host
result[host] <- send(host, propose(old, new))
If result[host] = "ok"
If remaining > 1+quorumSize/2
success <- True
For Each result
If success
send(host, confirm(old, new))
send(host, cancel(old, new))
{% endpseudo %}
Output is annotated with <span>
classes and can be styled using CSS. Typically keywords are made bold and variables are italicized.
With a bit of formatting, the above code becomes: