A script that uses Pillow's ImageGrab to capture screenshots.
usage: scapr [-h] [--auto] [--seconds SLEEP_SEC] [--count STOP_COUNT]
[--folder OUTPUT_DIR] [--region REGION_BOX] [--flat]
Command-line utility to capture screenshots.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--auto Do not prompt to start capturing screenshots. Begin
right away.
--seconds SLEEP_SEC Number of seconds to pause between screenshots.
--count STOP_COUNT Number of screenshots to take before stopping.
--folder OUTPUT_DIR Name of folder for saving captured screenshots.
--region REGION_BOX Region to capture (instead of full screen). Specify box
coordinates, separated by commas (no spaces between),
as 'x1,y1,x2,y2' where x1 and y1 are the left-top pixel
coordinates, and x2 and y2 are the right-bottom pixel
coordinates. Example: '--region 100,100,600,600' to
capture a 500 x 500 image starting at 100 pixels from
top and left.
--flat Do not create a sub-folder for each capture session (a
'flat' output folder structure).
Pillow - ImageGrab
Python - KeyboardInterrupt