Releases: wmo-im/BUFR4
FT2025-1 BUFR4 release candidate
What's Changed
- 213 new table b descriptors sea surface height anomaly measurement by @amilan17 in #220
- 198 new bufr template for snow surface temperature by @amilan17 in #216
- 210 new descriptor for olci classification and quality bufrcrex codeflag en 40csv by @amilan17 in #223
- 209 new descriptor for most unstable cape bufrcrex tableb en 13csv by @amilan17 in #222
- #198 add notes by @marijanacrepulja in #226
- #198 add notes by @amilan17 in #227
- 198 new2 by @amilan17 in #228
- @marijanacrepulja made their first contribution in #226
Full Changelog: FT2024-2RC...FT2025-1RC
BUFR4 vervion 43
BUFR version 42
Proposals for amendments approved during fast-track 2024-1.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v41...v42
BUFR version 41 Release
Proposals for amendments approved during fast-track 2023-2.
What's Changed
- 163 table d new bufr template for representation of uas by @amilan17 in #176
- 161 proposal for new bufr table entries for eps sg eumetsat iasi ng level 2 and vii level 2 by @amilan17 in #174
- 157 bufr table for the variable permafrost temperature by @amilan17 in #171
- 156 table d 10 bufr template for dmsp satellites by @amilan17 in #170
- 153 update to element descriptor column contents for 3 10 026 by @amilan17 in #168
- 159 bufr table d new bufr template for lightning observations from satellite by @amilan17 in #169
- 162 bufr table d and b new entries for ground based microwave radiometer data by @amilan17 in #173
- 160 bufr table b descriptors for atmospheric composition by @amilan17 in #172
- Revert "166 code table 042004 new quality flags for wave spectra" by @amilan17 in #179
- 155 new table d sequences for reporting biogeochemical measurements from argo floats by @amilan17 in #175
- FT2023-2 for BUFR4 by @amilan17 in #178
Full Changelog: v40...v41
BUFR4 Version 40
BUFR4 amendments approved during fast-track 2023-1.
What's Changed
136 editorial branch by @amilan17 in #141
Update with new glider sequence, addition of new oceanographic element and new code table entries for GTSPP quality flag. by @david-i-berry in #146
#132 new bufr template for tropics by @amilan17 in #144
138 new bufr template for aerosol optical depth by @amilan17 in #142
139 proposal for new bufr table entries for fy 4 giirs by @amilan17 in #147
137 change name of turkey by @amilan17 in #148
138 update by @amilan17 in #150
136 proposal for new bufr table entries for eps sg mwi ici sca ias 1 mws by @amilan17 in #149
Issue136 update2 by @amilan17 in #151
New Contributors
@david-i-berry made their first contribution in #146
Full Changelog: v39...v40
BUFR4 Version 39
BUFR4 amendments approved during fast-track 2022-2.
What's Changed
- Issue108 into FT2022-2 by @amilan17 in #120
- Issue118 to FT2022-2 by @amilan17 in #121
- merge branch into FT2022-2 by @amilan17 in #122
- Issue114 merge into FT by @amilan17 in #123
- Issue115 into FT branch by @amilan17 in #124
- Issue109 into FT by @amilan17 in #125
- Issue113 by @amilan17 in #126
- Issue106 merge into FT branch by @amilan17 in #127
- Issue111 merge into FT branch by @amilan17 in #128
- Issue117 by @amilan17 in #133
- Merge FT2022-2 into master by @amilan17 in #134
Full Changelog: v38.1...v39
BUFR4 Version 38.1
Editorial revisions to v38
What's Changed
- Editorial updates into Master by @amilan17 in #119
Full Changelog: v38...v38.1
BUFR4 Version 38
BUFR4 amendments adopted during fast-track 2022-1.
What's Changed
- Issue89 by @amilan17 in #100
- Issue85 by @amilan17 in #98
- Issue92 to FT22-1 by @amilan17 in #97
- Issue80 to FT22-1 by @amilan17 in #96
- Issue83 merge to FT22-1 by @amilan17 in #95
- Issue91 by @amilan17 in #99
- Issue90 by @amilan17 in #101
- Issue51 by @amilan17 in #104
- Ft22 1 update by @amilan17 in #110
- Merge FT22-1 into Master by @amilan17 in #116
Full Changelog: v37...v38
BUFR4 Version 37
BUFR4 amendments adopted during Fast-Track 2021-2.
BUFR Tables Version 35.1
This update fixes formatting of the xml