Version 3.0.0-RC-2
Version 3.0.0-RC-2 – 2019-10-25
- Add custom database tables for storing actions, claims, groups and logs. Improves performance. (PR #259)
- Add new async queue runner to increase action throughput and reduce reliance on WP Cron. (PRs #323)
- Add new async action type to run "as soon as possible" rather than being scheduled, and associated APIs, like as_enqueue_async_action() (PR #322)
- Add context parameter to runner so that logs can display how the action is run, e.g. WP Cron, WP CLI or Async Request (PRs #329 and #344)
- Add help screen to admin list table (PR #316)
- Add new bulk cancel by hook/group APIs to data store (PR #351)
- Fix recurring schedules, e.g. Cron and Interval schedules (PR #333)
- Make sure wp_filter_post_kses does not corrupt JSON data in post_content (PR #312)
- Fix 'Headers Already Sent' warning and failure of 'wp_redirect()' (PR #354)
- Fix php 7 deprecated notice for non static method called statically f… (PR #355)
- Fix concurrent queue notice (PR #324)
- Other small fixes and tweaks (PR #347)
- Deprecated ActionScheduler_Store::hook() and ActionScheduler_Store::unhook() methods (PR #326)
- Deprecated ActionScheduler_WPCLI_QueueRunner::stop_the_insanity() in favour of ActionScheduler_DataController::free_memory() (PR #259)
- Deprecated various inconsistent recurring schedule APIs and data (PR #333)