The purpose of this project is to read G4NuMI flux files in the Dk2Nu format, calculate the weights for the input position, and write a tree to a new ROOT file.
Output branches are defined in
, and the following are the default branches in the output file:
nu_pdg -- Neutrino PDG code
parent_pdg -- Neutrino's Parent PDG code
weight -- Flux weight for the input position
nu_energy -- Neutrino energy [GeV]
vx -- Neutrino production vertex x-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
vy -- Neutrino production vertex y-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
vz -- Neutrino production vertex z-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvx -- Neutrino's parent production vertex x-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvy -- Neutrino's parent production vertex y-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvz -- Neutrino's parent production vertex z-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
pdpx -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; x-component [GeV/c]
pdpy -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; y-component [GeV/c]
pdpz -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; z-component [GeV/c]
parent_momentum -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point [GeV/c]
theta_p -- Neutrino's parent momentum angle with respect to the beam direction, in the plane formed by the beam and the input position [rad]
ancestor_parent_pdg -- Vector of the PDG codes for each of the neutrino's ancestors. The first element is the beam proton.
ancestor_parent_mom -- Vector of momenta for each of the neutrino's ancestors. The first element is the beam proton; excludes the neutrino. [GeV/c]
ancestor_produced_mom -- Vector of momenta for each of the neutrino's ancestors, shifted by 1 position. The first element is the particle produced by the beam proton's initial interaction; excludes the neutrino. [GeV/c]
ancestor_produced_theta -- Vector of angles between each of the neutrino's ancestors momenta and the corresponding incident particle. The first element is the particle produced by the beam proton's initial interaction; excludes the neutrino. [rad]
ancestor_pT -- Vector of the transverse component of momenta for each ancestor in frame of the interaction which produced it. [GeV/c]
ancestor_xF -- Vector of the Feynman-x for each ancestor in frame of the interaction which produced it.
ancestor_vol -- Vector of the interaction volumes for each ancestor. The first element is the volume of the beam proton's initial interaction; usually `TGT1` corresponding to the carbon target.
If doing an OS-Independent installation, the following dependencies are required:
Both are prerequisites for Dk2Nu, which will built as part of the project.
$ git clone # Clone the repository
$ cd dk2nu-numi-flux # Move into the project directory
$ ./ # Build the project
is intended to be sourced Scientific Linux Environment in an ICARUS GPVM.
This script will set up the following dependencies:
- CMake v3_27_4
- Dk2Nu v01_10_01
- ROOT v6_28_10a
$ source ./ # Build the project, have to source instead of execute if on a FNAL GPVM
# If on ICARUS GPVM, source the sl7 setup script
$ source
# Otherwise, if using the OS-independent installation, then just activate the python environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ ./ # Run the code
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f] [-d]
Reads Dk2Nu format, calculates weights for the input position, and writes a
tree to a new ROOT file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to configuration file. If unspecified, defaults to the `config.toml` in the current directory.
-f, --overwrite Overwrite output file if it exists
--mt Use multithreading
-d, --debug run in debug mode
# Sample config.toml
location = [450.37, 7991.98, 79512.66] # ICARUS TPC center in NuMI coords (x, y, z) [cm]
output_file = "output.root" # Name of the output file
pot_per_file = 500_000
nominal = "/path/to/files/*.root" # Path to flux files in Dk2Nu format
# NOTE: The name of the file set will be used as the key for creating TTrees in the output file