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This project reads G4NuMI flux files in the Dk2Nu format, calculates the flux weights for the input position, and writes a Tree to a new ROOT file.


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Simple Dk2Nu Reader

The purpose of this project is to read G4NuMI flux files in the Dk2Nu format, calculate the weights for the input position, and write a tree to a new ROOT file. Output branches are defined in, and the following are the default branches in the output file:

nu_pdg                     -- Neutrino PDG code
parent_pdg                 -- Neutrino's Parent PDG code
weight                     -- Flux weight for the input position
nu_energy                  -- Neutrino energy [GeV]
vx                         -- Neutrino production vertex x-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
vy                         -- Neutrino production vertex y-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
vz                         -- Neutrino production vertex z-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvx                       -- Neutrino's parent production vertex x-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvy                       -- Neutrino's parent production vertex y-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
ppvz                       -- Neutrino's parent production vertex z-position in NuMI coordinates [cm]
pdpx                       -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; x-component [GeV/c]
pdpy                       -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; y-component [GeV/c]
pdpz                       -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point; z-component [GeV/c]
parent_momentum            -- Neutrino's parent momentum at the decay point [GeV/c]
theta_p                    -- Neutrino's parent momentum angle with respect to the beam direction, in the plane formed by the beam and the input position [rad]
ancestor_parent_pdg        -- Vector of the PDG codes for each of the neutrino's ancestors. The first element is the beam proton.
ancestor_parent_mom        -- Vector of momenta for each of the neutrino's ancestors. The first element is the beam proton; excludes the neutrino. [GeV/c]
ancestor_produced_mom      -- Vector of momenta for each of the neutrino's ancestors, shifted by 1 position. The first element is the particle produced by the beam proton's initial interaction; excludes the neutrino. [GeV/c]
ancestor_produced_theta    -- Vector of angles between each of the neutrino's ancestors momenta and the corresponding incident particle. The first element is the particle produced by the beam proton's initial interaction; excludes the neutrino. [rad]
ancestor_pT                -- Vector of the transverse component of momenta for each ancestor in frame of the interaction which produced it. [GeV/c]
ancestor_xF                -- Vector of the Feynman-x for each ancestor in frame of the interaction which produced it.
ancestor_vol               -- Vector of the interaction volumes for each ancestor. The first element is the volume of the beam proton's initial interaction; usually `TGT1` corresponding to the carbon target.

Instructions to build

OS-Independent Installation

If doing an OS-Independent installation, the following dependencies are required:


Both are prerequisites for Dk2Nu, which will built as part of the project.

$ git clone  # Clone the repository
$ cd dk2nu-numi-flux  # Move into the project directory
$ ./  # Build the project

Building in an ICARUS GPVM

The is intended to be sourced Scientific Linux Environment in an ICARUS GPVM. This script will set up the following dependencies:

  • CMake v3_27_4
  • Dk2Nu v01_10_01
  • ROOT v6_28_10a
$ source ./  # Build the project, have to source instead of execute if on a FNAL GPVM

Running the code

# If on ICARUS GPVM, source the sl7 setup script
$ source

# Otherwise, if using the OS-independent installation, then just activate the python environment
$ source venv/bin/activate

$ ./  # Run the code


usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f] [-d]

Reads Dk2Nu format, calculates weights for the input position, and writes a
tree to a new ROOT file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file. If unspecified, defaults to the `config.toml` in the current directory.
  -f, --overwrite       Overwrite output file if it exists
  --mt                  Use multithreading
  -d, --debug           run in debug mode

Configuration File

# Sample config.toml

location = [450.37, 7991.98, 79512.66]  # ICARUS TPC center in NuMI coords (x, y, z) [cm]

output_file = "output.root"             # Name of the output file

pot_per_file = 500_000

nominal = "/path/to/files/*.root"   # Path to flux files in Dk2Nu format
# NOTE: The name of the file set will be used as the key for creating TTrees in the output file



This project reads G4NuMI flux files in the Dk2Nu format, calculates the flux weights for the input position, and writes a Tree to a new ROOT file.




