- [*] Block Editor: Fix missing custom color indicator for custom gradients [WordPress/gutenberg#57605]
- [**] Block Editor: Display a notice when a network connection is unavailable [WordPress/gutenberg#56934]
- [**] Block Editor: Image block media uploads display a custom error message when there is no internet connection [#22282]
- [**] Image block media uploads display a custom error message when there is no internet connection [#22282]
- [**] Improve media previews on long-press: load higher-resolution thumbnails and increase the preview size, add support for GIFs and video playback, enable for documents and other files [#22274]
- [*] Add prefetching to Site Media details screen [#22292]
- [*] Allow trashing draft and scheduled posts with no confirmation [#22337]
- [*] Add "Share" action to the site context menu [#22298]
- [*] Update the post "Publish" context action for Contributors to "Submit for Review" instead of "Publish" [#22358]
- [**] Add a pre-publishing sheet to the "Publish" flow invoked from the post context menu as a replacement for a simple confirmation sheet [#22358]
- [**] Block Editor: Media uploads that failed due to lack of internet connectivity automatically retry once a connection is re-established [#22238]
- [**] Block Editor: Manually retrying a single failed media upload will retry all failed media uploads in a post [#22240]
- [*] [internal] Drop iOS 14 Support: Remove deprecated UIDocumentPickerViewController API [#22286]
- [***] [internal] Refactor WP.com sign in API requests [#22421]
- [*] Add In-App Feedback Prompt. [#22050]