An out-of-box dev kit to launch your AI-NFT based on Eliza on multichain, like the MCV(Mobile Construction Vehicle) in Red Alert(a popular game).
- Package AI-NFT metadata using Eliza's character files
- Enable conversion of NFT traits into personalities and integration into character files
- Provide basic functionalities such as Deploy, Mint and Burn(set it free) AI-NFT
- Support contract-level AI-NFT management on multichain
- Enable AI Agents to launch AI-NFT
- Solana
npm install @xnomad/mcv
import {
} from '@xnomad/mcv';
import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js';
// Your AI-NFT collection.
const collectionInfo: CollectionInfo = {
name: "my collection",
description: "this is an AI-NFT collection",
image: "https://example.jpg",
// Your AI agent characters corresponding to the NFTs
// See
const characterJson = {
// agent name
// background statements
bio: [
"Bio lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order.",
lore: [
"Lore lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order, just like bio",
"However these are usually more factual or historical and less biographical than biographical lines",
// Create AI-NFT metadata
const aiNftMetadata = createAiNftMetadata({
// NFT metadata, see
name:"my NFT",
description:"this is an AI-NFT",
image: "https://example.jpg"
}, AiAgentEngine.ELIZA, characterJson);
// create SolanaMCV instance
const mcv = new SolanaMCV(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), keypairOrWalletAdapter);
// Upload AI-NFT metadata to S3
const { collectionUri, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createAwsS3Uploader(
bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET!,
accessKeyId: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY!,
secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY!,
region: process.env.S3_REGION!,
(filename) => `metadata/${filename}`,
// Alternatively, you can upload to IPFS
const { collectionUri, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createWeb3StorageUploader({
privateKey: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PRIVATE_KEY!,
proof: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PROOF!,
// Create AI-NFT collection
const result = await mcv.createCollection({
name:, // Collection name
uri: collectionUri, // Collection metadata URI
royaltyBps: 100, // Royalty basis points, 100 = 1%
itemsCount: 3, // Total number of NFTs
mintStages: [
// Mint phase configuration
label: '1', // Phase label
priceInSol: 0.01, // Mint price in SOL
startDate: new Date(), // Start time
endDate: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), // End time
mintLimitPerUser: 1, // Mint limit per user
uri: nftUris[0]
// User mint
const mcv = new SolanaMCV(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), UserKeypairOrWalletAdapter);
await mcv.mintAiNft({
collection: result.collection, // collection address
candyMachine: result.candyMachine, // candy machine address
stageIndex: 0, // mint stage index
merkleProof: mcv.getMerkleProof(whitelistAddresses, userAddress) // required if whitelist is set in mint stage
import {
} from '@xnomad/mcv';
// Your AI-NFT collection.
const collectionInfo: CollectionInfo = {
name: "my collection",
description: "this is an AI-NFT collection",
image: "https://example.jpg",
attributes: [],
properties: {
files: [
uri: "https://example.jpg",
type: "image/jpg"
category: 'image'
// Your AI agent characters corresponding to the NFTs
// See
const characterJson = {
// agent name
name: "eliza",
// background statements
bio: [
"Bio lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order.",
lore: [
"Lore lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order, just like bio",
"However these are usually more factual or historical and less biographical than biographical lines",
// Create AI-NFT metadata
const aiNftMetadata = createAiNftMetadata({
// NFT metadata, see
name: "my NFT",
description: "this is an AI-NFT",
image: "https://example.jpg",
attributes: [],
properties: {
files: [],
category: ''
}, AiAgentEngine.ELIZA, characterJson);
// create EvmMCV instance
const mcv = new EvmMCV('PRIVATE_KET', 'ENDPOINT');
// Upload AI-NFT metadata to S3
const { baseUrl, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createAwsS3Uploader(
bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET!,
accessKeyId: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY!,
secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY!,
region: process.env.S3_REGION!,
(filename) => `metadata/${filename}`,
// Alternatively, you can upload to IPFS
const { baseUrl, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createWeb3StorageUploader({
privateKey: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PRIVATE_KEY!,
proof: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PROOF!,
// Create AI-NFT collection
const result = await mcv.createAiNftCollection({
name:, // Collection name
symbol: '',
uri: baseUrl, // Collection metadata URI
uriSuffix: '.json', // Collection metadata URI suffix
royaltyBps: 100, // Royalty basis points, 100 = 1%
itemsCount: 3, // Total number of NFTs
mintStages: [
// Mint phase configuration
pricePerNFT: 0.1, // Price per NFT, eg. 0.1 = 0.1ETH
startDate: new Date(), // Start time
endDate: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), // End time
maxMintsPerWallet: 1 // Mint limit per user
// User mint
const mcv = new EvmMCV('PRIVATE_KET', 'ENDPOINT');
await mcv.mintAiNft({
contractAddress: result, // collection address
stageIndex: 0, // mint stage index
merkleProof: [],
quantity: 1
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For questions and support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.
Developed with β€οΈ by the xNomad Team.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of this project.
Developed with β€οΈ by the xNomad Team.