An out-of-box dev kit to launch your AI-NFT based on Eliza on multichain, like the MCV(Mobile Construction Vehicle) in Red Alert(a popular game).
- Package AI-NFT metadata using Eliza's character files
- Enable conversion of NFT traits into personalities and integration into character files
- Provide basic functionalities such as Deploy, Mint and Burn(set it free) AI-NFT
- Support contract-level AI-NFT management on multichain
- Enable AI Agents to launch AI-NFT
- Solana
- EVM (Coming soon)
npm install @xnomad/mcv
import {
} from '@xnomad/mcv';
import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js';
// Your AI-NFT collection.
const collectionInfo: CollectionInfo = {
name: "my collection",
description: "this is an AI-NFT collection",
image: "https://example.jpg",
// Your AI agent characters corresponding to the NFTs
// See
const characterJson = {
// agent name
// background statements
bio: [
"Bio lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order.",
lore: [
"Lore lines are each short snippets which can be composed together in a random order, just like bio",
"However these are usually more factual or historical and less biographical than biographical lines",
// Create AI-NFT metadata
const aiNftMetadata = createAiNftMetadata({
// NFT metadata, see
name:"my NFT",
description:"this is an AI-NFT",
image: "https://example.jpg"
}, AiAgentEngine.ELIZA, characterJson);
// create SolanaMCV instance
const mcv = new SolanaMCV(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), keypairOrWalletAdapter);
// Upload AI-NFT metadata to S3
const { collectionUri, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createAwsS3Uploader(
bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET!,
accessKeyId: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY!,
secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY!,
region: process.env.S3_REGION!,
(filename) => `metadata/${filename}`,
// Alternatively, you can upload to IPFS
const { collectionUri, nftUris } = await mcv.uploadAllAiNftMetadata({
metadataList: [aiNftMetadata],
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
uploader: createWeb3StorageUploader({
privateKey: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PRIVATE_KEY!,
proof: process.env.WEB3_STORAGE_PROOF!,
// Create AI-NFT collection
const result = await mcv.createCollection({
name:, // Collection name
uri: collectionUri, // Collection metadata URI
royaltyBps: 100, // Royalty basis points, 100 = 1%
itemsCount: 3, // Total number of NFTs
mintStages: [
// Mint phase configuration
label: '1', // Phase label
priceInSol: 0.01, // Mint price in SOL
startDate: new Date(), // Start time
endDate: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), // End time
mintLimitPerUser: 1, // Mint limit per user
uri: nftUris[0]
// User mint
const mcv = new SolanaMCV(clusterApiUrl('devnet'), UserKeypairOrWalletAdapter);
await mcv.mintAiNft({
collection: result.collection, // collection address
candyMachine: result.candyMachine, // candy machine address
stageIndex: 0, // mint stage index
merkleProof: mcv.getMerkleProof(whitelistAddresses, userAddress) // required if whitelist is set in mint stage
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For questions and support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.
Developed with ❤️ by the xNomad Team.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of this project.
Developed with ❤️ by the xNomad Team.