I'm a passionate developer since I was 12 and was in front of a Tandy 1000 with the Logo language and learned to draw giving this odd words to the computer and saving them in a 5 1/4 floppy disk (which hours later I broke because it fell between some notebooks in my bag). After that encounter I learned Basic (well GWBASIC), then all the BASIC Flavors, then I was presented to DBASE III Plus so my first formal Application was an accounting utility and was awful.
I consider myself self taught, Javascript, PHP, C#, Python, Scripting, Linux, Networking, you name it. Even though I work as IT Manager, my passion is Programming. Mindware is my brand for creating and delivering software based solutions.
🤝 I’m looking for help with Mi Quiniela Facebook Page
💬 Ask me about Javascript, PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter and where to get great tacos in Mexico
⚡ Fun fact: Even though I'm super tall I've never played Basketball.
🎧 Want to hear the music I like? Go here Spotify
When I'm not working or watching Pocoyo with my baby girl I love to do watersports like Kitesurf, Rowing or just hanging out by the beach with a cold beer.