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Final project for the course Geosoftware I 2021 Authors: Alexander Pilz & Josefina Balzer

How to get started

  1. To run this project the user first has to download the uploaded files.
  2. The user has to navigate via the console/terminal to the folder directory of the project.
  3. Now the user has now two options: To run the porject locally or as a docker project.
  • To run the project locally, the user has to add the commmand npm install, which will download all required packages and modules to run the project correctly. Than enter npm start and open the given path in an arbitrary browser.
  • To run the project as a docker project start docker in the background and enter the command docker-compose up. Now the user is able to also open the given path in arbitrary browser.

Interface and Functions


The landingpage is the startoff point for users to interact with the application. Here the user can navigate to the different pages of the tourguide. The editor, the guide and the impressum can be reached from here.

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The map provides the user with all the functionality of a tourguide. The Locations can be interactively viewed on the map. The user is also able to search locations via an input field or select them in a table with a zoom to feature option. The tours are provided in a similar way. If the user zooms to a tour just the locations in the selected tour are displayed on the map.

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The editor empowers the user to add, update and delete locations and tours. Locations can be created and deleted interactively on the map itself. Alternatively location can be created by passing a GeoJson to the text field. To update a location it must be selected in the dropdown and its attributes can be changed. To update a locations geometry the user just draws a new geometry on the map, but selects the "use for update" function to use the geometry to update an existing location. The tours are created by selecting a variety of location and naming the tour. To delete a tour the user just selects a tour via dropdown and hit delete tour. The update tour function works in similar manner. After a tour is selected via a dropdown, locations can be added and deleted and the name of the tour can be changed.

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The Tourguide employs the Express Node.js web application framework. This frameword provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. The application runs on port 3000. The server provides diffent endpoints called routers for different operations. The routers can be used to add, change, delete and retrieve data from the database.


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The Search-Router can be used to retrieve data from the mongoDB in various formats. These Functions can accessed via "http://localhost:3000/search/". The following actions are provided:

getLocations: The getLocations function returns the collection containing the locations from the mongoDB as an array. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/search/getLocations".

getTours: The getTours function returns the collection containing the tours from the mongoDB as an array. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/search/getTours".

getUsedLocations: The getUsedLocations function returns the collection containing the locations which are part of a tour from the mongoDB as an array. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/search/getUsedLocations".

getCollections: The getCollections function returns the collections containing the locations and the tours from the mongoDB as an array. The locations can accessed with res[0] and the tours can be accessed with res[1]. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/search/getCollections".

getCombined: The getCombined function returns the tours with the complete locations which are part of the tours from the mongoDB as an array. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/search/getCombined".


The Add-Router can be used to add data from the mongoDB. These Functions can accessed via "http://localhost:3000/add/". The following actions are provided:

newLocation: The newLocation function adds a new location to the locations collection in the mongoDB. A location needs to have a locationID, an URL and a geometry. The locationID must be unique. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/add/newLocation".

newTour: The newTour function adds a new tour to the tours collection in the mongoDB. A tour needs to have a tourID, and a list of locations comprising the tour. The tourID must be unique. It can be called with "http://localhost:3000/add/newTour".


updateLocation: The updateLocation function updates an existing location in the locations collection in the mongoDB. To update an existing location the "old" locationID is needed. The locationID, the URL and the geometry can be redefined. The "new" locationID must be unique. If a loactionID is changed it ist also changed in all tours in which the location is used ("on update cascade"). It can be called with http://localhost:3000/add/updateLocation.

updateTour: The updateTour function updates an existing tour in the tours collection in the mongoDB. To update an existing tour the "old" tourID is needed. The tourID and the loactions comprising the tour can be redefined. The "new" tourID must be unique. It can be called with http://localhost:3000/add/updateTour.


removeLocation: The removeLocation function removes an existing location from the locations collection in the mongoDB. To delete an existing location the locationID is needed. If the location is still part of a tour it can not be removed from the collection ("on delete restrict"). It can be called with http://localhost:3000/add/removeLocation.

removeTour: The removeTour function removes an existing tour from the tours collection in the mongoDB. To delete an existing tour the tourID is needed. It can be called with http://localhost:3000/add/removeTour.



The landding page provides access to the other pages and serves as a sort of hub page.


The map page provides access the the actual application. Locations and tours can be viewed here. Additionaly nearest busstops from a location and weather information at these busstops can also be requested. It can be accessed via "http://localhost:3000/map".


The editor page provides the user with all necessary fucntions to manage the locations and tours. It can be accessed via "http://localhost:3000/editor".


The impressum page contains all legal information regarding the application and links to additional material. It can be accessed via "http://localhost:3000/impressum".


Data (locations and tours) are stored in a dedicated database. A application employs a MongoDB for this purpose. MongoDB is a document-oriented, noSQL database which can store JSON-like documents.


locations: The locations collection contains the locations. Each location is comprised of

  • an _id which is an object created by mongoDB and acts as an internal primary key
  • a locationID which is a user defined string which acts as the identifier for the location in athe application
  • a GeoJson which contains the geometry (point or polygon) and the URL and description properties

The point locations are formatted like:

 "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [{
   "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
     "Name": "name of the location (indentical to nameID)",
     "URL": "some URL",
     "Description": "some description (filled automatically)"
    "geometry": {
     "type": "Point",
     "coordinates": [some longitude, some latitude]

The polygon locations are formatted like:

 "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [{
   "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
     "Name": "name of the location (indentical to nameID)",
     "URL": "some URL",
     "Description": "some description (filled automatically)"
    "geometry": {
     "type": "Polygon",
       [some longitude, some latitude],
       [some longitude, some latitude],
       [some longitude, some latitude],
       [some longitude, some latitude],
       [some longitude, some latitude]

tours: The tours collection contains the tours. Each tour is comprised of

  • an _id which is an object created by mongoDB and acts as an internal primary key
  • a tourID which is a user defined string which acts as the identifier for the tour in athe application
  • locations which contain the locationID of the locations which are part of the tour

Docker Image

The application be retrieved as an docker image from docker hub:

docker pull lexal95/tourguide

To run the application two additional images are needed. The mongo image provides a MongoDB document database with high availability and easy scalability.

docker pull mongo

The mongo-express image provides a web-based MongoDB admin interface, written with Node.js and express.

docker pull mongo-express

A docker-compose file can be used the deploy the application fast and easy:

version: '3'
        image: lexal95/tourguide
                - "3000:3000" 
                - mongo
                image: mongo
                    - "27017:27017"
                    - ./data:/data/db
                image: mongo-express
                restart: always
                    - "8081:8081"

The docker-compose file is already part of the repository. To deploy the app, the docker-compose up command can be used. All needed images will be downloaded, bundled into a container and started.


Abschlussprojekt für den Kurs Geosoftware I 2021




