Our Program is analyzing radarpictures of the Sentinel-1 satellite from the Copernicus-Project of ESA. It calculates the area of a coherent waterbody and is supposed to compare seasonal deviations of waterlevels and long-/middle term tendencies of shrinking or growing.
- The SENTINEL-1 Toolbox (s1tbx)
- Java, Maven
- SciHub Credentials
- ingestion timeframe
- origin x-y-coordinate in WGS 84 Referencesystem
- Downloads namend data fromm ESA's Copernicus Open Access Hub and loads it into the program
- Detects watersurfaces in radarpictures after colour-smoothing and recolouring into a black/white scheme
- Finds and counts all pixels within the coherent waterbody through a scanline-algorithm. Returns number of pixels.
- One pixel has the area of 100m^2. Calculates the area of the waterbody.
- GIF Sample shows Labussee (lake in the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte district in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. At an elevation of 57.5 metres (189 ft), its surface area is 2.51 square kilometres (0.97 sq mi)).
Consult our UML-Diagram
- an Integer that represents the approximate area (in squaremeters) of water-sureface
- and the choosen smippet of sentinel-1 radar image
- Outputs are colored grey or blue and have been altered with a median-filter, a gauss-filter or non at all.
- Alexander Pilz @xcomagent95
- Josefina Balzer @jbalzer12
- Gustav Freiherr von Arnim @OTI2020
- Dorian Hennigfeld @dhenn12
- Ole Heiland @heilandoo
- Gustav Freiherr von Arnim @OTI2020