wiliwili v1.4.1
相关链接 :
来 wiki 看看 wiliwili 还能玩出什么花样来: https://github.com/xfangfang/wiliwili/wiki
Xbox / Windows UWP版: https://github.com/ikas-mc/wiliwili-uwp-poc
Windows ARM 版需要搭配 OpenGL兼容包使用:https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nqpsl29bfff
SteamDeck 防锁屏插件: https://github.com/xfangfang/DeckyInhibitScreenSaver
感谢 :
- @dragonflylee 消息相关功能
- @ikas-mc 持续跟进更新适配 Xbox
- @lanytcc 修复直播间相关错误
v1.4.1 更新说明 :
- [Windows] 修复 不显示 emoji
- [Windows] 修复 开启代理时无法播放视频
- [Windows] 修复 部分设备帧数识别错误
- [Windows] 修复 输入法候选词位置错误
- [Windows] 修复 触摸断触
- [PS4] 修复 播放某些视频导致系统界面重载
- 修复 直播间轮播视频时,页面不断产生提示
- 修复 部分视频 弹出 API 错误
- 修复 个人页动态数量显示错误
- 优化 支持更多的 DLNA 投屏客户端向 wiliwili 投放视频
- 新增 消息相关功能,入口:首页左下角
- 其他小的细节调整和bug修复
- [switch] 开启硬解 + 解码缓存 会导致长时间播放后花屏,二者任意关闭其一即可临时解决,如果你对于这个问题有任何想法(比如可能的原因、快速稳定触发的方法等 欢迎开一个 issue 讨论)
Change log:
- [Win] Fix not displaying emoji
- [Win] Fix inability to play videos with proxy turned on
- [Win] Fix frame rate recognition errors
- [Win] Fix IME candidate list in the wrong position
- [Win] Fix ghost touching
- [PS4] Fix GPU crash caused by playing certain videos
- Fix issues related to live streaming
- Fix some video pop-up API errors
- Fix incorrect activity count on personal page
- Support more DLNA clients
- Support message related functions
- Other minor stability improvements, performance optimizations, and detail adjustments
Please refer to the Github release page for detailed information.