The Thunar Shares Plugin (thunar-shares-plugin) allows you to quickly share a folder using Samba from Thunar (the Xfce file manager) without requiring root access.
Thunar-shares-plugin documentation
See NEWS for details on changes and fixes made in the current release.
Thunar-shares-plugin source code
Thunar-shares-plugin shares or Thunar-shares-plugin tags
From source code repository:
% cd thunar-shares-plugin
% ./
% make
% make install
From release tarball:
% tar xf thunar-shares-plugin-<version>.tar.bz2
% cd thunar-shares-plugin-<version>
% ./configure
% make
% make install
For information about how to setup Samba correctly, see Samba Setup in the Xfce documentation.
Visit the reporting bugs page to view currently open bug reports and instructions on reporting new bugs or submitting bugfixes.