- OSD and subtitle font =
PingFang SC
- Key bindings: https://github.com/xiaoleichen/mpv-settings-mac/blob/main/input.conf
- MPV border enabled and window controlls disabled
- Always show dark title bar
Forked from https://github.com/cyl0/ModernX
- Use chars for button icons for pre-built MPV app.
- Always hide media title.
- Always hide window controls.
- Smaller OSC background.
- More responsive to mouse move (
minmousemove = 0
). - Move down seekbar to align with time code.
- Show chapter list when skipping back/forward to previous/next chapter.
- Move subtitle (ass not supported) when controller appears and disappears.
- Add options to customize time code and tooltip font sizes.
- Add options to customize seek bar style (color, height, and alpha)
- Left mouse button: seek to chosen position.
- Right mouse button: seek to the head of chosen chapter
- Left mouse button: go to previous/next chapter.
- Right mouse button: show chapter list.
- Left mouse button: play previous/next file.
- Right mouse button: show playlist.
- Left mouse button/Right mouse button: cycle to next/previous track.
- Middle mouse button: show track list.
- Left mouse button: display time in milliseconds
- Left mouse button: display total time instead of remaining time
: Dowload subtitles from assrt.net. Pulled from mpv-assrt. -
: Copy and paste links into mpv with ctrl + v to start playback of a video. Works in windows only and requires PowerShell. Pulled from mpv-scripts. -
Alternative OSC ModernZ. Works with MPV 0.39+ and suppports thumbfast.