Instruction on building the NCBI/GTBD database of Melon.
- Prerequisite
- Step 1: Install necessary packages
- Step 2: Download protein sequences from
- Step 3: Download taxonomy files from
- Step 4: Download profile HMMs from
- Step 5: Collect NCBI assemblies
- Step 5 (alternative): Collect GTDB assemblies
- Step 6: Download assemblies and generate an accession2assembly mapping
- Construction of the protein database
- Construction of the nucleotide database
- Add non-prokaryotic sequences as decoys
- Compress
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge 'taxonkit>=0.15.1' 'seqkit>=2.6.1' 'hmmer>=3.4' 'mmseqs2>=15.6f452' 'blast>=2.15.0' 'diamond==2.1.8' 'tqdm' 'pandas' 'requests'
Step 2: Download protein sequences from
Use ascp
from IBM Aspera or
from BLAST+
to speed up if necessary.
## download all splits in a loop
for folder in env_nr nr
curl \
| grep '[^ ]*.gz$' -o \
| grep ^$folder \
| xargs -P 32 -I {} wget -qN --show-progress{} -P protein/$folder
## decompress all files
for file in protein/$folder/*.tar.gz; do tar -xvf $file -C protein/$folder; done
rm -rf protein/$folder/*.tar.gz
Step 3: Download taxonomy files from
## download taxonomy dump and protein accessions
wget -qN --show-progress -P taxonomy
wget -qN --show-progress -P taxonomy
tar -xvf taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz -C taxonomy
## extract bacteria/archaea taxids using taxonkit
taxonkit list --ids 2 --indent '' --data-dir taxonomy > taxonomy/
taxonkit list --ids 2157 --indent '' --data-dir taxonomy > taxonomy/
Step 4: Download profile HMMs from
We validated ver. 2023-04-01 using RefSeq proteins. Using other versions, including the latest version is also OK but profiles of specific marker genes may not function well.
## download profiles and ko metadata
wget -qN --show-progress -P profile
wget -qN --show-progress -P profile
gzip -d profile/ko_list.gz
tar -xvf profile/profiles.tar.gz -C profile
## collect ribosomal protein ko
mkdir -p profile/prokaryote.full profile/prokaryote.subset
python -c "
import requests
response = requests.get('')
with open('profile/', 'w') as w:
for line in response.text.rstrip().split('\n'):
if line:
ls = line.split()
if ls[0] == 'B':
if ls[1] in {'Bacteria', 'Archaea'}:
kingdom = ls[1].lower()
kingdom = None
if ls[0] == 'D' and kingdom is not None:
if ls[1] not in {'K19032', 'K19033'}: # skip these two not in <Ribosomal protein gene clusters in prokaryotes>
w.write(ls[1] + '\t' + kingdom + '\n')
## copy profiles to a directory
cut profile/ -f 1 | uniq | xargs -P 64 -I {} cp profile/profiles/{}.hmm profile/prokaryote.subset/{}.hmm
cut profile/profiles/prokaryote.hal -f 1 | uniq | xargs -P 64 -I {} cp profile/profiles/{} profile/prokaryote.full/{}
If you want to build a GTDB database, please jump to Step 5 (alternative): Collect GTDB assemblies.
## download metadata file
mkdir -p assembly/fna
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
## read metadata, split assemblies into chunks according to taxonomy
python -c "
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
def get_taxonomy(taxid, data_dir='taxonomy'):
output =[
'taxonkit', 'reformat',
'--data-dir', data_dir,
'--taxid-field', '1',
'--miss-taxid-repl', '0',
'--miss-rank-repl', 'unclassified',
'-f', '{k}\t{p}\t{c}\t{o}\t{f}\t{g}\t{s}'],
input='\n'.join(taxid)+'\n', text=True, capture_output=True, check=True)
taxonomy = {}
for line in output.stdout.rstrip().split('\n'):
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
taxonomy[int(ls[0])] = ';'.join([ls[i+7] + '|' + ls[i] for i in range(1, len(ls)-7)])
return taxonomy
## read assemblies
assembly = pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_refseq.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False).rename({'#assembly_accession': 'assembly'}, axis=1)
assembly = assembly[(['archaea', 'bacteria'])) & ((assembly['ftp_path'] != 'na'))]
## drop unknown species
assembly['taxonomy'] = assembly['species_taxid'].map(get_taxonomy(assembly['species_taxid'].astype(str).unique()))
assembly = assembly[assembly['taxonomy'].str.split(';').str.get(-1) != '0|unclassified']
## create an index file for tracing
assembly['index'] = pd.Categorical(assembly['taxonomy'], ordered=False).codes + 1
assembly[['assembly', 'taxonomy', 'index']].to_csv('assembly/assembly2species.tsv', sep='\t', index=False, header=None)
## create a list for wget
assembly['fna'] = assembly['ftp_path'] + '/' + assembly['ftp_path'].str.split('/').str.get(-1) + '_genomic.fna.gz'
for kingdom in ['archaea', 'bacteria']:
fna = assembly[assembly['group'] == kingdom]['fna'].to_list()
n = 8 if kingdom == 'archaea' else 256 # split into 8 or 256 chunks so that each contains same number of genomes
chunks = [fna[i::n] for i in range(n)]
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
with open('assembly/fna/' + kingdom + '.split.' + str(i) + '.id', 'w') as w:
w.write('\n'.join(chunk) + '\n')
print(f'#assemblies: {assembly.assembly.nunique()}, #species: {assembly.taxonomy.nunique()}')
Some genomes (including representative genomes) may be deprecated by NCBI at the time of GTDB release. The representative ones can be downloaded from the FTP of GTDB (genomic_files_reps/gtdb_genomes_reps.tar.gz
) and manually included. The other non-representative ones cannot be recovered.
## download metadata files
mkdir -p assembly/fna
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
wget -qN --show-progress -P assembly
gzip -d assembly/ar53_metadata.tsv.gz
gzip -d assembly/bac120_metadata.tsv.gz
## read metadata, split assemblies into chunks according to taxonomy
python -c "
import pandas as pd
## merge gtdb with ncbi ftp link
ncbi = pd.concat([
pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_refseq.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False),
pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_refseq_historical.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False),
pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_genbank.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False),
pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_genbank_historical.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False),
]).rename({'#assembly_accession': 'assembly'}, axis=1)
gtdb = pd.concat([
pd.read_table('assembly/ar53_metadata.tsv', low_memory=False),
pd.read_table('assembly/bac120_metadata.tsv', low_memory=False)
gtdb['assembly'] = gtdb.accession.str.split('_', n=1).str.get(-1)
## some may no longer be available
assembly = pd.merge(gtdb, ncbi[['assembly', 'ftp_path']], how='left', on='assembly')
assembly[(assembly.ftp_path == 'na') | (assembly.ftp_path.isnull())].to_csv('assembly/deprecated.tsv', index=False, sep='\t')
assembly = assembly[(~(assembly.ftp_path == 'na') | (assembly.ftp_path.isnull())) | (assembly.gtdb_representative == 't')]
assembly['taxonomy'] = assembly['gtdb_taxonomy'].str.replace('[a-z]__', '', regex=True)
assembly['group'] = assembly['taxonomy'].str.split(';').str.get(0).str.lower()
## create an index file for tracing
assembly['index'] = pd.Categorical(assembly['taxonomy'], ordered=False).codes + 1
assembly[['assembly', 'taxonomy', 'index']].to_csv('assembly/assembly2species.tsv', sep='\t', index=False, header=None)
## create a list for wget
assembly['fna'] = assembly['ftp_path'] + '/' + assembly['ftp_path'].str.split('/').str.get(-1) + '_genomic.fna.gz'
for kingdom in ['archaea', 'bacteria']:
fna = assembly[assembly['group'] == kingdom]['fna'].to_list()
n = 8 if kingdom == 'archaea' else 256 # split into 8 or 256 chunks so that each contains same number of genomes
chunks = [fna[i::n] for i in range(n)]
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
with open('assembly/fna/' + kingdom + '.split.' + str(i) + '.id', 'w') as w:
w.write('\n'.join(chunk) + '\n')
deprecated = (assembly.ftp_path == 'na') | (assembly.ftp_path.isnull())
print(f'#species: {assembly.taxonomy.nunique()}')
print(f'#assemblies: {assembly.assembly.nunique()}')
print(f'#deprecated_reps: {len(assembly[deprecated])}')
# ## grab representative genomes if necessary
# wget -qN --show-progress
# tar -xvf gtdb_genomes_reps.tar.gz
# python -c "
# import pandas as pd
# import glob
# import os
# import shutil
# dset = set(pd.read_table('assembly/deprecated.tsv').assembly)
# files = glob.glob('gtdb_genomes_reps/**/*.fna.gz', recursive=True)
# files = [file for file in files if os.path.basename(file).rsplit('_genomic')[0] in dset]
# os.makedirs('assembly/fna/deprecated_reps', exist_ok=True)
# for file in files:
# shutil.copy(file, f'assembly/fna/deprecated_reps/{os.path.basename(file)}')
# "
# cat assembly/fna/deprecated_reps/*.fna.gz > assembly/fna/deprecated_reps.fna.gz
## download assemblies then cat
find assembly/fna -maxdepth 1 -name '*.id' | xargs -P 32 -I {} bash -c '
wget -i ${1} -qN --show-progress -P ${}; \
find ${} -maxdepth 1 -name "*.fna.gz" | xargs cat > ${}.fna.gz' - {}
## create a dictionary that maps sequence to assembly
python -c "
import glob
import os
import gzip
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
def parse_file(file):
lines = []
with, 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
lines.append([line[1:].split()[0], '_'.join(os.path.basename(file).split('_')[:2])])
return lines
x for y in process_map(parse_file, glob.glob('assembly/fna/**/*.fna.gz'), max_workers=64, chunksize=1) for x in y
], columns=['accession', 'assembly']).to_csv('assembly/accession2assembly.tsv', sep='\t', index=False, header=None)
The detailed taxonomic information of env_nr
is not available, we therefore create a diamond database using the full nr
, and later assign bacteria/archaea labels to env_nr
using LCA.
Extracting sequences and building diamond database can take a while. To speed up, consider running each blastdbcmd
block in parallel.
## env_nr
blastdbcmd -db protein/env_nr/env_nr -entry all > protein/env_nr.full.fa
## make a diamond database using full nr
blastdbcmd -db protein/nr/nr -entry all > protein/nr.full.fa
diamond makedb --in protein/nr.full.fa --db protein/nr.full --taxonmap taxonomy/prot.accession2taxid.FULL.gz --taxonnodes taxonomy/nodes.dmp --taxonnames taxonomy/names.dmp
rm -rf protein/nr.full.fa
## extract bacteria/archaea sequences from nr
for kingdom in archaea bacteria
blastdbcmd -db protein/nr/nr -target_only -taxidlist taxonomy/${kingdom}.id > protein/nr.${kingdom}.fa
blastdbcmd -db protein/nr/nr -target_only -taxidlist taxonomy/${kingdom}.id -outfmt '%a@%o' > protein/nr.${kingdom}.id # accession@oid
## find shared sequences by original id (oid)
python -c "
from collections import defaultdict
oid = defaultdict(set)
with open('protein/') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('@')
accession = set()
with open('protein/') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('@')
if ls[-1] in oid:
with open('protein/', 'w') as w:
w.write('\n'.join(accession) + '\n')
Annotating against the full KEGG profile HMMs will take days, so we first use a subset of prokaryotic profile HMMs (91 ribosomal protein profile HMMs) to get a candidate subset of sequences, then use the full profile HMMs to get the complete annotations.
mkdir -p prot/out/prokaryote.subset
for file in protein/*.fa
ls profile/prokaryote.subset \
| xargs -P 8 -I {} hmmsearch \
--domtblout prot/out/prokaryote.subset/$filename.{} \
-E 2147483647 --domE 2147483647 \
--noali \
--cpu 8 \
profile/prokaryote.subset/{} $file > /dev/null
Extract candidate sequences from BLAST databases with seqkit
. Discard also cross-kingdom sequences.
python -c "
import glob
import os
import subprocess
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
## kick out cross-kingdom sequences shared by bacteria and archaea
shared_accession = set()
with open('protein/') as f:
for line in f:
## read pre-defined threshold score for each ko
ko = defaultdict(dict)
with open('profile/ko_list') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
ko[ls[0]]['threshold'], ko[ls[0]]['score_type'] = ls[1:3]
## parse domain output files, record accession of sequences
accession = defaultdict(set)
for file in tqdm(glob.glob('prot/out/prokaryote.subset/*.hmm')):
filename = os.path.basename(file).rsplit('.', 2)[0]
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != '#':
ls = line.rstrip().split(maxsplit=22)
if ls[0] not in shared_accession:
ks = ko.get(ls[3])
if (
ks['score_type'] == 'full' and float(ls[7]) > float(ks['threshold']) * 0.75 or
ks['score_type'] == 'domain' and float(ls[13]) > float(ks['threshold']) * 0.75
for key, val in accession.items():
with open('prot/out/{}.fa'.format(key), 'w') as w:[
'seqkit', 'grep', '-f', '-', 'protein/{}.fa'.format(key)
], check=True, text=True, input='\n'.join(val) + '\n', stdout=w)
Run diamond
LCA to env_nr
then extract sequences with matched kingdom.
diamond blastp \
--db protein/nr.full.dmnd \
--query prot/out/env_nr.full.fa \
--outfmt 102 \
--top 0 \
--threads 64 \
| taxonkit reformat \
--data-dir taxonomy \
--taxid-field 2 \
--format "{k}" > prot/out/
python -c "
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
accession = defaultdict(set)
with open('prot/out/') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.split()
if len(ls) == 4 and ls[-1] in {'Bacteria', 'Archaea'}:
accession['env_nr.' + ls[-1].lower()].add(ls[0])
for key, val in accession.items():
with open('prot/out/{}.fa'.format(key), 'w') as w:[
'seqkit', 'grep', '-f', '-', 'prot/out/env_nr.full.fa'
], check=True, text=True, input='\n'.join(val) + '\n', stdout=w)
rm -rf prot/out/env_nr.full.*
Rerun hmmsearch
but against the full set of prokaryotic profile HMMs.
mkdir -p prot/out/prokaryote.full
for file in prot/out/*.fa
ls profile/prokaryote.full \
| xargs -P 16 -I {} hmmsearch \
--domtblout prot/out/prokaryote.full/$filename.{} \
-E 2147483647 --domE 2147483647 \
--noali \
--cpu 4 \
profile/prokaryote.full/{} $file > /dev/null
Parse domain output files of hmmsearch
, select only sequences that pass the pre-defined threshold, remove partial sequences.
mkdir -p prot/seq
python -c "
import glob
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
def parse_file(file):
lines = []
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != '#':
ls = line.rstrip().split(maxsplit=22)
if (ks := ko.get(ls[3])) is not None:
if (
ks['score_type'] == 'full' and float(ls[7]) > float(ks['threshold']) * 0.75 or
ks['score_type'] == 'domain' and float(ls[13]) > float(ks['threshold']) * 0.75
lines.append([ls[0], ls[3], ks['definition'], int(ls[17]), int(ls[18]), int(ls[2]), float(ls[21])])
return lines
## read pre-defined threshold score for each ko
ko_subset = set()
with open('profile/') as f:
for line in f:
ko = defaultdict(dict)
with open('profile/ko_list') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if ls[2] != '-':
ko[ls[0]]['threshold'], ko[ls[0]]['score_type'] = ls[1:3]
ko[ls[0]]['definition'] = ls[-1].split('protein ')[-1].lower() if ls[0] in ko_subset else 'others'
for source in ['env_nr', 'nr']:
for kingdom in ['bacteria', 'archaea']:
domain = pd.DataFrame([
x for y in process_map(parse_file, glob.glob('prot/out/prokaryote.full/{}.{}.*'.format(source, kingdom)), max_workers=64, chunksize=1) for x in y
], columns=['accession', 'knum', 'definition', 'tstart', 'tend', 'tlen', 'acc'])
domain['tcov'] = (domain['tend'] - domain['tstart'] + 1) / domain['tlen']
## remove low quality and invalid sequences
domain = domain[
(domain.groupby('accession')['knum'].transform('nunique') == 1) &
(domain['definition'] != 'others') &
(domain['tcov'] > 0.75)
].sort_values(['accession', 'tcov'], ascending=False).groupby('accession', as_index=False).first()
## create a accession2description mapping
domain['description'] = domain['definition'] + '-tcov:' + domain['tcov'].map('{:.2f}'.format) + '-acc:' + domain['acc'].map('{:.2f}'.format) + '-' + source + '-' + kingdom
accession2description = domain.set_index('accession')['description'].to_dict()
## save filtered sequences
with open('prot/seq/{}.{}.fa'.format(source, kingdom), 'w') as w, open('prot/out/{}.{}.fa'.format(source, kingdom)) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
accession = line[1:].split()[0]
if (description := accession2description.get(accession)) is not None and ', partial' not in line:
w.write('>' + description + '-' + accession + '\n')
save = True
save = False
if save:
Combine all extracted sequences, shuffle, then split for each combination of kingdom and ribosomal protein gene.
mkdir -p prot/raw
find prot/seq -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fa' | sort | xargs cat > prot/raw.fa
python -c "
from collections import defaultdict
sequence = defaultdict(list)
with open('prot/raw.fa') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
ls = line[1:].rstrip().split('-')
subset = ls[4] + '.' + ls[0].replace('/', '_')
for key, val in sequence.items():
with open('prot/raw/{}.fa'.format(key), 'w') as w:
If your are working on HPC, please consider submitting a SLURM job for each mmseqs
to make them run in parallel, and increase --threads
to reduce the computational time.
mkdir -p prot/clustered
ls prot/raw/*.fa | sort | xargs -P 8 -I {} bash -c '
FILE_SIZE=$(stat -c "%s" prot/raw/$filename.fa)
if [ "$FILE_SIZE" -gt 10000000 ]; then THREADS=8; else THREADS=1; fi;
echo $filename $FILE_SIZE $THREADS;
mmseqs easy-cluster \
$1 prot/clustered/$filename prot/clustered/$filename \
-c 0.95 --min-seq-id 0.95 --cov-mode 0 \
-s 7.5 --cluster-reassign --threads $THREADS -v 0 > /dev/null' - {}
Merge all clustered files to get the final protein database.
cat prot/clustered/*rep_seq.fasta | seqkit sort | seqkit shuffle -s 0 > prot/clustered.fa
python -c "
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
archaea = {'l2', 'l11', 'l10e', 'l15e', 'l18e', 's3ae', 's19e', 's28e'}
bacteria = {'l2', 'l11', 'l20', 'l27', 's2', 's7', 's9', 's16'}
with open('prot/prot.fa', 'w') as w, open('prot/clustered.fa') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
if line[1:].split('-')[0] in archaea | bacteria:
save = True
save = False
if save:
This step will take a while to finish. If you are working on HPC, please submit a SLURM job for each *.fna.gz
file and increase --threads
to reduce computational time. If not, combining all *.fna.gz
files into a single one then running diamond
with tuned -b -c
may help to speed up.
mkdir -p nucl/out
find assembly/fna -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fna.gz' | sort | xargs -P 8 -I {} bash -c '
echo $filename;
diamond blastx \
--db prot/prot.fa \
--query $1 \
--out nucl/out/${filename}.txt \
--outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid pident length qlen qstart qend slen sstart send evalue bitscore \
--evalue 1e-15 --subject-cover 75 \
--range-culling --frameshift 15 --range-cover 25 \
--max-hsps 0 --max-target-seqs 25 \
--threads 8 --quiet' - {}
Parse output files of diamond
by ensuring at most 25% overlap of HSPs, keep only a single sequence per qseqid-gene combination, discard also sequences close to the boundaries.
mkdir -p nucl/seq
python -c "
import os
import glob
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
from math import floor, ceil
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
def sort_coordinate(start, end):
return (start - 1, end, '+') if start < end else (end - 1, start, '-')
def compute_overlap(coordinates):
qstart, qend, sstart, send = coordinates
overlap = min(qend, send) - max(qstart, sstart)
return max(overlap / (qend - qstart), overlap / (send - sstart))
def extract_sequence(file):
filename = os.path.basename(file).split('.fna.gz')[0]
qrange = defaultdict(set)
lines = []
with open('nucl/out/' + filename + '.txt') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.split()
qseqid, sseqid = ls[0], ls[1]
qstart, qend, strand = sort_coordinate(int(ls[5]), int(ls[6]))
if (
qseqid not in qrange or
all([compute_overlap((qstart, qend, *x)) < 0.25 for x in qrange.get(qseqid)])
qrange[qseqid].add((qstart, qend))
pident = float(ls[2])
qlen, slen = int(ls[4]), int(ls[7]) * 3
qcoord = floor((qstart + qend) / 2) if strand == '+' else ceil((qstart + qend) / 2)
## make sure not too close to the boundary
if qend + 2500 < qlen and qstart - 2500 > 0:
lines.append([qseqid, qcoord - 5000, qcoord + 5000, sseqid, pident, strand, sseqid.split('-')[0]])
## keep only one sequence per qseqid + gene
lines = pd.DataFrame(lines, columns=['qseqid', 'qstart', 'qend', 'sseqid', 'pident', 'strand', 'gene'])
lines = lines.sort_values(['qseqid', 'gene', 'pident', 'strand'], ascending=False).groupby(['qseqid', 'gene'], as_index=False).first()
lines.drop('gene', axis=1).to_csv('nucl/seq/' + filename + '.bed', sep='\t', header=None, index=False)
## extract sequneces from original files
with open('nucl/seq/' + filename + '.fa', 'w') as f:[
'seqkit', 'subseq', file,
'--bed', 'nucl/seq/' + filename + '.bed'
], stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)
process_map(extract_sequence, glob.glob('assembly/fna/*.fna.gz'), max_workers=64, chunksize=1)
Create a file for each species-gene combo.
mkdir -p nucl/raw
find nucl/seq -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fa' | sort | xargs cat > nucl/raw.fa
python -c "
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
archaea = {'l2', 'l11', 'l10e', 'l15e', 'l18e', 's3ae', 's19e', 's28e'}
bacteria = {'l2', 'l11', 'l20', 'l27', 's2', 's7', 's9', 's16'}
assembly2species = {}
with open('assembly/assembly2species.tsv') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
assembly2species[ls[0]] = ls[1:]
accession2assembly = {}
with open('assembly/accession2assembly.tsv') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
accession2assembly[ls[0]] = ls[1]
sequence = defaultdict(list)
accession = set()
with open('nucl/raw.fa') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
ls = line.split()
gs = ls[1].split('-')
ac = ls[0][1:].rsplit('_', 1)[0]
species = assembly2species.get(accession2assembly.get(ac))
phylum = species[0].split(';')[0].split('|')[-1]
if (
phylum == 'Archaea' and gs[4] == 'archaea' and gs[0] in archaea or
phylum == 'Bacteria' and gs[4] == 'bacteria' and gs[0] in bacteria
save = True
subset = gs[0].replace('/', '_') + '.' + species[-1]
save = False
if save:
## split the sequences into two parts
with open('nucl/nucl_a.fa', 'w') as w:
for key, val in sequence.items():
record = ''.join(val)
if record.count('>') == 1:
with open('nucl/raw/{}.fa'.format(key), 'w') as ww:
## save the metadata file for later usage
[x] + assembly2species.get(accession2assembly.get(x))[0].split(';') for x in accession
], columns=['accession', 'superkingdom', 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family', 'genus', 'species']).sort_values('accession').to_csv('nucl/raw.tsv', index=False, sep='\t')
If your are working on HPC, please consider submitting a SLURM job for each mmseqs
to make them run in parallel, and increase --threads
to reduce the computational time. Lower -P
if you encounter memory issues.
mkdir -p nucl/clustered
find nucl/raw -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fa' | sort | xargs -P 16 -I {} bash -c '
FILE_SIZE=$(stat -c "%s" nucl/raw/$filename.fa)
if [ "$FILE_SIZE" -gt 10000000 ]; then THREADS=4; else THREADS=1; fi;
echo $filename $FILE_SIZE $THREADS;
mmseqs easy-cluster \
$1 nucl/clustered/$filename nucl/clustered/$filename \
-c 0.9995 --min-seq-id 0.9995 --cov-mode 1 \
-s 7.5 --cluster-reassign --threads $THREADS -v 0 > /dev/null' - {}
Combine all clustered files to get the nucleotide database.
find nucl/clustered -maxdepth 1 -name '*rep_seq.fasta' -exec cat {} \; > nucl/nucl_b.fa
cat nucl/nucl_a.fa nucl/nucl_b.fa | seqkit sort | seqkit shuffle -s 0 > nucl/nucl.fa
python -c "
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
sequence = defaultdict(list)
accession = set()
with open('nucl/nucl.fa') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
ls = line.split()
accession.add(ls[0][1:].rsplit('_', 1)[0])
subset = ls[1].split('-')[-2] + '.' + ls[1].split('-')[0].replace('/', '_')
for key, val in sequence.items():
with open('nucl/nucl.{}.fa'.format(key), 'w') as w:
metadata = pd.read_table('nucl/raw.tsv')
metadata[metadata.accession.isin(accession)].to_csv('nucl/metadata.tsv', index=False, sep='\t')
Download RefSeq fungi, protozoa, viral, plant, and human GRCh38/hg38 (Kraken2's PlusPFP equivalent).
mkdir -p plus/faa
python -c "
import pandas as pd
assembly = pd.read_table('assembly/assembly_summary_refseq.txt', skiprows=1, low_memory=False).rename({'#assembly_accession': 'assembly'}, axis=1)
assembly = assembly[assembly['ftp_path'] != 'na']
## plusPFP setup
assembly.loc[(assembly.organism_name.str.contains('Homo sapiens')) & (assembly.refseq_category == 'reference genome'), 'group'] = 'human'
assembly = assembly[{'fungi', 'protozoa', 'viral', 'plant', 'human'})]
assembly = assembly[assembly.assembly_level.isin({'Chromosome', 'Complete Genome'})]
## download protein sequences
assembly['fna'] = assembly['ftp_path'] + '/' + assembly['ftp_path'].str.split('/').str.get(-1) + '_protein.faa.gz'
for taxonomy in
fna = assembly[assembly['group'] == taxonomy]['fna'].to_list()
n = 32 if taxonomy == 'viral' else 8
chunks = [fna[i::n] for i in range(n)]
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
if chunk:
with open('plus/faa/' + taxonomy + '.split.' + str(i) + '.id', 'w') as w:
w.write('\n'.join(chunk) + '\n')
find plus/faa -maxdepth 1 -name '*.id' | xargs -P 32 -I {} bash -c '
wget -i ${1} -qN --show-progress -P ${}; \
find ${} -maxdepth 1 -name "*.faa.gz" | xargs cat | gzip -d > ${}.faa' - {}
Annotate sequences using the selected marker HMMs.
mkdir -p plus/out
python -c "
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import shutil
os.makedirs('plus/profile', exist_ok=True)
archaea = {'l2', 'l11', 'l10e', 'l15e', 'l18e', 's3ae', 's19e', 's28e'}
bacteria = {'l2', 'l11', 'l20', 'l27', 's2', 's7', 's9', 's16'}
ko = []
with open('profile/ko_list') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
gene = ls[-1].split('ribosomal protein ')[-1].lower()
if ls[2] != '-' and gene in archaea | bacteria:
for i in ko:
shutil.copy(f'profile/profiles/{i}.hmm', f'plus/profile/{i}.hmm')
for file in plus/faa/*.faa
ls plus/profile \
| xargs -P 8 -I {} hmmsearch \
--domtblout plus/out/$filename.{} \
-E 2147483647 --domE 2147483647 \
--noali \
--cpu 8 \
plus/profile/{} $file > /dev/null
Extract valid sequences.
python -c "
import glob
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
from tqdm import tqdm
def parse_file(file):
lines = []
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != '#':
ls = line.rstrip().split(maxsplit=22)
if (ks := ko.get(ls[3])) is not None:
if (
ks['score_type'] == 'full' and float(ls[7]) > float(ks['threshold']) * .75 or
ks['score_type'] == 'domain' and float(ls[13]) > float(ks['threshold']) * .75
lines.append([ls[0], ls[3], ks['definition'], int(ls[17]), int(ls[18]), int(ls[2]), float(ls[21])] + [file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]])
return lines
## read pre-defined threshold score for each ko
ko = defaultdict(dict)
with open('profile/ko_list') as f:
for line in f:
ls = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if ls[2] != '-':
ko[ls[0]]['threshold'], ko[ls[0]]['score_type'] = ls[1:3]
ko[ls[0]]['definition'] = ls[-1].split('protein ')[-1].lower()
domain = pd.DataFrame([
x for y in process_map(parse_file, glob.glob(f'plus/out/*.hmm'), max_workers=64, chunksize=1) for x in y
], columns=['accession', 'knum', 'definition', 'tstart', 'tend', 'tlen', 'acc', 'taxonomy'])
domain['tcov'] = (domain['tend'] - domain['tstart'] + 1) / domain['tlen']
## use permissive tcov cutoff for filtering since eukaryotic RPGs may be more complicated than prokaryotic RPGs
domain = domain[domain['tcov'] > 0.25].sort_values(['accession', 'tcov'], ascending=False).groupby('accession', as_index=False).first()
## create a accession2description mapping
domain['description'] = domain['definition'] + '-tcov:' + domain['tcov'].map('{:.2f}'.format) + '-acc:' + domain['acc'].map('{:.2f}'.format) + '-' + 'refseq' + '-' + domain['taxonomy']
accession2description = domain.set_index('accession')['description'].to_dict()
## save filtered sequences
with open('plus/plus.fa', 'w') as w:
for file in tqdm(sorted(glob.glob('plus/faa/*.faa'))):
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
accession = line[1:].split()[0]
if (description := accession2description.get(accession)) is not None and ', partial' not in line:
w.write('>' + description + '-' + accession + '\n')
save = True
save = False
if save:
Cluster to remove redundant sequences.
mmseqs easy-cluster \
plus/plus.fa plus/plus plus/plus \
-c 0.95 --min-seq-id 0.95 --cov-mode 0 \
-s 7.5 --cluster-reassign --threads 64 -v 0
Get all necessary files into the database.
mkdir -p database
cp nucl/metadata.tsv nucl/nucl.bacteria*.fa nucl/nucl.archaea*.fa database
cat plus/plus_rep_seq.fasta prot/prot.fa | seqkit sort | seqkit shuffle -s 0 > database/prot.fa
tar --sort=name -zcvf database.tar.gz database