Custom Procedural Rig Tool for Game(Unreal)
This is a procedural modular rigging tool for game, especially for Unreal Engine.
Before using the script, you need to make true that your maya setup is OK for UE4.
Because this is a modular rigging tool, you can use it to rig any type of creatures. For example, you can use it to rig a monster with 4
arms, 2 spines and multi legs.
- Download the project file and unzip it somewhere in the computer, make ture to remember the directory of the unzip file location
- Open Maya 2017+ and open script Editor
- New a Python tab, and enter following script
import sys
if Dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(r'X:\WHERE\YOU\PUT\THE\FILE')
import CustomProceduralRigTool
from CustomProceduralRigTool import Main_UI as Main_UI
UI = Main_UI.RiggingMainUI(dock=1)
Please go to: If you have any question, please e-mail me.
If you find any type of bugs, please e-mail me at: [email protected].
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