This package was created by Xu Liu.
is the source code of iLQR and a shared library will be generated.
If you want to use this iLQR library, you must create a class that inherits from iLQR_CppAD, and rewrite four pure virtual functions:
- f_dynamic_CppAD: you need to rewrite this function. This function is used to create CppAD function of dynamic equation for automatic differentiation. This CppAD function has been declared in
, you can usef_dynamic_ad_.Dependent(x,y)
to construct it. - f_dynamic: you need to rewrite this function. This function is used to create a common dynamic function for rollout. The return value type of this function is:
. This function has two parameters:Eigen::VectorXd &x
andEigen::VectorXd &u
. - stage_cost_CppAD: you need to rewrite this function. This function is used to create CppAD function of stage cost equation for automatic differentiation. This CppAD function has been declared in
, you can usestage_cost_ad_.Dependent(x,y)
to construct it. - terminal_cost_CppAD: you need to rewrite this function. This function is used to create CppAD function of terminal cost equation for automatic differentiation. This CppAD function has been declared in
, you can useterminal_cost_ad_.Dependent(x,y)
to construct it.
You can check the structure of the iLQR_CppAD
in iLQR_CppAD.h
, you will get all you want to know if you are familiar with c++. I alse write a demo of Acrobot using iLQR_CppAD
, you can check Mujoco_Acrobot.h
and Mujoco_Acrobot.cpp
to see how to use iLQR_CppAD
You can run the command: ./bin/Mujoco_visualize
to observe the visualization of Acrobot made by Mujoco, the Mujoco environment file in ./env/Acrobot.xml
It can be seen intuitively that the current solution only converges to the local optimal solution.
This package has not been optimized and perfected yet, and will continue to be updated in the future. Your criticisms and suggestions are also welcome.