-> @xoraus :)
Problemsheet 01: Introduction to Prolog
- Invented early seventies by Alain Colmerauer in France and Robert Kowalski in Britain.
- Prolog = Programmation en Logique (Programming in Logic).
- Prolog is a declarative programming language
- unlike most common programming languages.
- In a declarative language the programmer specifies a goal to be achieved the Prolog system works out how to achieve it
- relational databases owe something to Prolog
Problemsheet 02: List, Arthmetic, and logical operators
Problemsheet 03: implementation of BFS & DFS. Missionaries and Cannibal Problme. Umbrella Problem
Problemsheet 04: 8 Puzzle Problem using A* Algorithm
AO* Algorithm
Min-Max Search Trees and Alpha Beta Pruning