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Plugin Federation Network (PFN) - ⚠️ BETA - USE WITH CAUTION ⚠️

A decentralized plugin distribution network that connects independent plugin publishers into a federated ecosystem.

Plugin Federation Demo Image

graph LR
    classDef federation fill:#8b5cf6,color:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef publisher fill:#a2ff00,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef consumer fill:#0ea5e9,color:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef marketplace fill:#f59e0b,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef standalone fill:#a2ff00,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

    subgraph Federation["Plugin Federation Network"]
        FN1[Federation Node 1]:::federation
        FN2[Federation Node 2]:::federation
        FN3[Federation Node 3]:::federation
        FN1 <--> FN2
        FN2 <--> FN3
        FN1 <--> FN3

    subgraph Federated["Federated Plugin Publishers"]
        PP1[Plugin Publisher]:::publisher
        PP3[Theme Publisher]:::publisher

    subgraph Standalone["Plugin Publisher Instances"]
        SP1[Independent Publisher 1]:::standalone
        SP2[Independent Publisher 2]:::standalone
        SP3[Independent Publisher 3]:::standalone

        subgraph SP1_Components["Publisher 1 Components"]
            SP1_R2[(R2 Storage)]
            SP1_DO[Registry DO]
            SP1_KV[(KV Store)]
            SP1_AUTH[Auth DO]

    subgraph Consumers["Plugin Consumers"]
        C1[WordPress Site]:::consumer
        C2[eCommerce Platform]:::consumer
        C3[Development Agency]:::consumer
        C4[Theme Marketplace]:::marketplace
		C5[WordPress Site]:::consumer

    %% Standalone connections
    SP1 --> SP1_Components
    C1 --> SP1
    C2 --> SP2
    %% Federation connections
    PP1 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN1
    PP2 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN2
    PP3 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN3
    %% Federation consumer connections
    FN1 -->|"Subscribe"| C3
    FN2 -->|"Subscribe"| C4
    FN2 -->|"Subscribe"| C5
    %% Cross-node syncing
    PP1 -.->|"Mirror"| FN2
    PP2 -.->|"Mirror"| FN3
    PP3 -.->|"Mirror"| FN1

    %% Add explanatory notes
    note1[Solid lines = direct connections]
    note2[Dotted lines = federation syncing]
    note3[Publishers can operate standalone or join federation]
    note1 -.-> note2
    note2 -.-> note3


The Plugin Federation Network (PFN) is a decentralized system that enables independent plugin publishers to form a network of trusted sources, share plugins, and maintain a distributed plugin ecosystem. Built on Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects, PFN provides:

  • Decentralized plugin distribution
  • Source verification and trust scoring
  • Plugin mirroring and caching
  • Cryptographic verification of plugin authenticity
  • Activity monitoring and version tracking
  • Health monitoring and synchronization


Before setting up a federation node, ensure you have:

Plugin Publisher Integration Details :

Quick Start

  1. Create a new federation node:

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd plugin-federation
    # Install dependencies
    npm install
    # Deploy the worker
    npx wrangler deploy
  2. Generate Ed25519 signing keys:

    node -e "
    const crypto = require('crypto');
    const { privateKey, publicKey } = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ed25519');
    console.log('Private:', privateKey.export({type: 'pkcs8', format: 'pem'}));
    console.log('Public:', publicKey.export({type: 'spki', format: 'pem'}));
  3. Add the keys to your worker:

    wrangler secret put FEDERATION_PRIVATE_KEY
    wrangler secret put FEDERATION_PUBLIC_KEY
  4. Set up initial admin access:

    # Generate a master admin key
    wrangler secret put MASTER_KEY
    # Use the master key to create additional admin keys via the API
    curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_MASTER_KEY" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"description": "Admin Console Access"}'


The federation network consists of several components:

  1. Federation Worker: Routes requests and handles high-level operations
  2. Federation Durable Object: Manages source registry and handles synchronization
  3. R2 Storage: Stores mirrored plugin files
  4. KV Storage: Manages API keys and temporary state
  5. SQLite Database: Stores federation state and relationships
graph BT
    classDef worker fill:#8b5cf6,color:#191919, stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef do fill:#d926aa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef storage fill:#d926aa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef kv fill:#ad6509,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    classDef external fill:#a2ff00,stroke:#191919, color:#191919, stroke-width:2px
    subgraph CoreOps["Core Operations"]
    W[Federation Worker]:::worker
    DO[Federation DO]:::do
    R2[(R2 Storage)]:::storage
    KV[(KV Storage)]:::kv
    SQL[(SQLite DB)]:::storage
    PP[Plugin Publishers]:::external

    C -->|"1 - API Requests"| W
    W -->|"2 - Auth & Route"| DO
    DO -->|"3 - Store Data"| SQL
    DO -->|"4 - Mirror Plugins"| R2
    DO -->|"5 - Cache Keys"| KV
    DO -->|"6 - Verify & Sync"| PP
    PP -->|"7 - Plugin Data"| DO

        W -.->|"Handle Routes"| DO
        DO -.->|"Manage State"| SQL
        DO -.->|"Store Files"| R2:::worker

API Endpoints

Administrative Endpoints

  • POST /federation/create-admin-key: Generate new admin API key
  • POST /federation/add-source: Register new plugin source
  • GET /federation/sources: List all registered sources
  • POST /federation/verify-source: Manually trigger source verification
  • GET /federation/activity: Get federation activity feed

Source Management

  • POST /federation/update-source: Update source information
  • POST /federation/subscribe: Subscribe to a source
  • GET /federation/source-status: Get source health and sync status

Plugin Access

  • GET /federation/plugins: List available plugins
  • GET /federation/download: Download mirrored plugin
  • GET /federation/verify: Verify plugin signature

Web Interface

The federation node includes a built-in administrative interface accessible at the root URL (/). This interface provides:

  • Source management
  • Activity monitoring
  • Version tracking
  • Health status overview
  • Subscription management

Source Management

Adding a Source

Sources are added via the federation admin interface or API:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "instance_url": "",
    "username": "plugin-author",
    "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n..."

Source Verification Process

    participant Client
    participant Worker
    participant DO as Federation DO
    participant PP as Plugin Publisher
    participant SQL as SQLite DB

    Client->>Worker: POST /federation/verify-source
    Worker->>Worker: Authenticate Request
    Worker->>DO: Forward Verification Request
    DO->>PP: GET /federation-info
    PP-->>DO: Return Capabilities & Asset Info
    DO->>SQL: Store Asset Info
    DO->>PP: POST /verify-ownership
    Note right of DO: Challenge-Response Auth
    PP-->>DO: Return Signed Challenge
    DO->>DO: Verify Ed25519 Signature
    alt Verification Successful
        DO->>SQL: Update Source Status & Trust Score
        DO->>SQL: Record Verification Success
    else Verification Failed
        DO->>SQL: Record Verification Failure
    DO-->>Worker: Return Verification Result
    Worker-->>Client: Return Response

Trust Scoring

Sources are assigned trust scores based on:

  • Successful verifications
  • Uptime and response time
  • Plugin signature validity
  • Federation age
  • Number of subscribers

Version Tracking and Activity Feed

The federation node maintains an activity feed that tracks:

  • Plugin version updates
  • Source verifications
  • Federation events
  • Health status changes

Activity can be monitored via the web interface or API:

curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

Plugin Mirroring

Mirroring Process

  1. Source plugins are discovered via the /author-data endpoint
  2. Plugin files are downloaded using the source's asset naming scheme
  3. Files are verified against provided signatures
  4. Verified plugins are stored in R2 with metadata

Asset Naming Scheme

Sources must provide their asset information via the /federation-info endpoint:

  "assetInfo": {
    "domain": "",
    "namingScheme": "plugins/author/slug/"

Plugin Mirroring

Mirroring Process

  1. Source plugins are discovered via the /author-data endpoint
  2. Plugin files are downloaded using the source's asset naming scheme
  3. Files are verified against provided signatures
  4. Verified plugins are stored in R2 with metadata

Asset Naming Scheme

Sources must provide their asset information via the /federation-info endpoint:

  "assetInfo": {
    "domain": "",
    "namingScheme": "plugins/author/slug/"

Subscription Management

Subscribing to Sources

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "sourceId": "[email protected]",
    "filters": {
      "tags": ["utilities", "productivity"]

Sync Process

    participant C as Client
    participant W as Worker
    participant DO as Federation DO
    participant PP as Plugin Publisher
    participant R2 as R2 Storage
    participant SQL as SQLite DB
    C->>W: POST /federation/subscribe
    W->>DO: Handle Subscribe Request
    DO->>SQL: Check Source Status
    alt Source Verified
        DO->>PP: GET /author-data
        PP-->>DO: Return Plugin List
        loop For Each Plugin
            DO->>DO: Apply Subscription Filters
            alt Plugin Matches Filters
                DO->>PP: Download Plugin
                DO->>DO: Verify Plugin Signature
                DO->>R2: Store Plugin File
                DO->>SQL: Record in mirrored_plugins
                DO->>SQL: Update version_updates
        DO->>SQL: Record Subscription
        DO->>SQL: Update Last Sync Time
    else Source Not Verified
        DO-->>W: Return Error
    W-->>C: Return Subscription Status

Database Schema

Sources Table

CREATE TABLE sources (
  id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,              
  instance_url TEXT NOT NULL,
  username TEXT NOT NULL,
  public_key TEXT NOT NULL,
  status TEXT DEFAULT 'pending',    
  trust_score FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0,
  created_at INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
  last_sync INTEGER,
  asset_domain TEXT,                
  asset_naming_scheme TEXT,         
  UNIQUE(instance_url, username)

Source Verifications Table

CREATE TABLE source_verifications (
  source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  verifier TEXT NOT NULL,
  verification_type TEXT NOT NULL,
  result TEXT NOT NULL,
  details TEXT,
  verified_at INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
  FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id)

Version Updates Table

CREATE TABLE version_updates (
  plugin_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  old_version TEXT NOT NULL,
  new_version TEXT NOT NULL,
  update_time INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
  FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id)

Mirrored Plugins Table

CREATE TABLE mirrored_plugins (
  plugin_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  version TEXT NOT NULL,
  description TEXT,
  local_path TEXT NOT NULL,
  signature TEXT NOT NULL,
  mirror_date INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
  FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id),
  UNIQUE(plugin_id, source_id, version)


The wrangler.toml configuration for a federation node:

name = "plugin-federation"
main = "src/index.js"
compatibility_date = "2024-10-22"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]

class_name = "FederationDO"

tag = "v3"
new_sqlite_classes = ["FederationDO"]

binding = "PLUGIN_BUCKET"
bucket_name = "federated-plugins"

binding = "FEDERATION_KV"
id = "your-kv-namespace-id"

Security Considerations

API Key Management

  • Admin keys prefixed with fadmin_
  • Keys stored in KV with metadata
  • Master key for initial setup
  • Regular key rotation recommended

Source Verification

  • Ed25519 signature verification
  • Challenge-response ownership proof
  • Regular health checks
  • Trust score adjustments

Plugin Integrity

  • Original signatures preserved
  • Federation layer verification
  • Immutable version storage
  • Version update tracking

Best Practices

  1. Monitoring

    • Check activity feed regularly
    • Monitor source health status
    • Track version updates
    • Review verification history
  2. Network Health

    • Monitor node performance
    • Track synchronization status
    • Maintain backup nodes
    • Regular security audits

Plugin Integrity

  • Original signatures preserved
  • Federation layer verification
  • Immutable version storage
  • Version update tracking

Best Practices

  1. Source Management

    • Regularly verify source health
    • Monitor trust scores
    • Track version updates
    • Update asset schemes when needed
  2. Monitoring

    • Check activity feed regularly
    • Monitor source health status
    • Track version updates
    • Review verification history
  3. Network Health

    • Monitor node performance
    • Track synchronization status
    • Maintain backup nodes
    • Regular security audits


Contributions are welcome soon...let me just vibe with this for a bit.


Plugin Federation Network - WIP







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