PHP library to save utm parameters from url into cookie for later use. PHP 7.1 is required for version 2.0.0+. If you need PHP 5.4+ compatibility use 1.0.6 version.
- Petr Suchy (xsuchy09 -
UtmCookie saves utm parameters from url into cookie with defined lifetime (default 7 days). Than cookie (utm) can be used later without parsing google or any other cookies.
It handles utm parameters:
- utm_campaign
- utm_medium
- utm_source
- utm_term
- utm_content
You can get them with original name or wihout "utm_" (for example just "source" for "utm_source" - you can use both) - see examples.
Since version 2.0.2 you can rewrite these cookies just with call UtmCookie::save($array)
where $array
should contains keys allowed by UtmCookie::$allowedUtmCookieKeys
(default are allowed utm parameters names).
Get composer and add this in your requires section of the composer.json:
"require": {
"xsuchy09/utm-cookie": "*"
and then
composer install
UtmCookie::init(); // just init - read utm params and cookie and save new values (is auto called by first call of UtmCookie::get method)
UtmCookie::get(); // get all utm cookies as array
UtmCookie::getObject(); // get all utm cookies as object (stdClass)
UtmCookie::get('utm_source'); // get utm_source
UtmCookie::get('source'); // get utm_source
$dateInterval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('7 days');
Default TRUE. If set to false, utm value is overwite only if set (others will stay).
More examples can be found in the examples/ directory.