A customizable Firewall role for Debian 11 & 12 based on iptables alone. No scripts, no templates, no bullshit.
and iptables-persistent
should be installed or the role will handle the installation.
Most-used variables are listed here. See all available in defaults/main.yml
firewall_install: true
Whether or not to run the role.
firewall_flush: true
Whether or not iptables
and ip6tables
should be flushed before applying any rules.
To prevent accidental lockout, the INPUT
policy is set to ACCEPT
before flushing.
firewall_defaults: true
Whether or not the rules defined in firewall_default_rules
should be applied.
firewall_input_policy: "DROP"
firewall_forward_policy: "DROP"
firewall_output_policy: "ACCEPT"
Default firewall policies. Be aware to not lock yourself out!
firewall_input_chain: "ansible_input"
firewall_output_chain: "ansible_output"
firewall_forward_chain: "ansible_forward"
Chain names to be used by this role. All rules/modification are always carried out in one of the three corresponding chains.
firewall_dhcp_interface: "eth0"
When your server relies on DHCP to get an ip address, please specify the appropriate interface. Leave empty if not needed.
- {
jump: ACCEPT,
comment: "Allow related (replies to already established connections)",
- {
in_interface: lo,
jump: ACCEPT,
comment: "Allow all and everything on lo",
- {
chain: "{{ firewall_output_chain }}",
out_interface: lo,
jump: ACCEPT,
comment: "Allow all and everything on lo",
- { protocol: icmp, jump: ACCEPT, comment: "Allow icmp (ping)" }
- { source_port: 53, protocol: tcp, jump: ACCEPT, comment: "Allow dns" }
- { source_port: 53, protocol: udp, jump: ACCEPT, comment: "Allow dns" }
- {
protocol: udp,
in_interface: "{{ firewall_dhcp_interface }}",
source_port: 67:68,
destination_port: 67:68,
jump: ACCEPT,
comment: "Allow dhcp",
The default rules carried out if enabled with firewall_defaults
firewall_rules: []
# Allow ssh
# - { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 22, jump: ACCEPT }
# Allow http/https
# - { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 80, jump: ACCEPT }
# - { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 443, jump: ACCEPT }
# Allow Tor relay traffic
# - { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 9000, jump: ACCEPT }
# - { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 9001, jump: ACCEPT }
Here you can specify any custom rules. See tasks/rule.yml
for all available options.
The following defaults are assumed if not specified:
chain: firewall_input_chain
# requirements.yml
- src: git+ssh://[email protected]/xtrcode/ansible-role-firewall.git
scm: git
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles
- hosts: deploy
- { role: ansible-role-firewall }
firewall_install: true
firewall_flush: true
firewall_defaults: true
# Allow ssh
- { protocol: tcp, destination_port: 22, jump: ACCEPT }
Website: blog.xtracode.ws