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MODX Local Development Server

virtual MODX development-environment cooked in Vagrant,
provisioned with Ansible, powered by Gitify

The workflow uses Gitify from modmore which is a CLI-App for transferring/migrating MODX DB-data.

Currently this server expects to be inside a Gitify project, like this:


  • / :: Root / Configuration Files / Scripts
  • /_backup :: Gitify Backup Directory
  • /_data :: Gitify Object Directory
  • /server ◀️ (you are here) :: Directory for MODX Local Development Server
  • /www :: Webroot / MODX Directory (only necessary files should get versioned/transferred)

This means it expects a valid .gitify configuration-file inside /www

What does it do?

  1. Creates a VM
    • Vagrant box based on ubuntu-16.04
  2. Provisions VM
    • Installs and configures:
      • mysql
      • apache
      • php-fpm
      • phpmyadmin (work-in-progress)
      • composer
      • git
      • unzip
      • Gitify
  3. Download and install newest OpenSSL
  4. Creates self-signed certificate
  5. Upgrade Apache2 to newest version
  6. Enable Apache2-modules (headers-module, expires-module, ssl-module, http2-module)
  7. Creates MySQL database and user
  8. Installs MODX and Extras
  9. Builds MODX _data
  10. Opens the browser when done



  • VirtualBox
    sudo apt install virtualbox
  • Vagrant
    sudo apt install vagrant
  • Ansible
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install software-properties-common
    sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt install ansible


Add as sub-module to your project:

git submodule add server
cd server




On the VM

To manually start the vm or bring it back up: ./ or vagrant up

Stop the machine: ./ or vagrant halt

Destroy the machine and delete MODX files: ./

Destroy only the machine: vagrant destroy

Check status of machine: vagrant status

Update the box of the vm: vagrant box update

Working inside the VM

  1. SSH into the local server: vagrant ssh

  2. Change into public directory: cd /var/www/html

You should be inside your mapped web-root.

Inside the machine, if the setup fails, you might need one the following:

  • sudo -su www-data php -d date.timezone=Europe/Berlin ./index.php --installmode=new
  • sudo -su www-data php -d date.timezone=Europe/Berlin ./index.php --installmode=new --core_path=/path/to/core/ --config_key=config
  • sudo -su www-data php -d date.timezone=Europe/Berlin ./index.php --installmode=upgrade
  • mysqlshow --user=xvModxUser --password=xvModxPassword xvModxDatabase

Working with Gitify

Inside your public directory you can use Gitify for the follow tasks:

Get the latest MODX:

Gitify modx:install

Get a specified MODX:

Gitify modx:install 2.5.6-pl -vvv

Upgrade to a specified MODX:

Gitify modx:upgrade 2.6.0-pl

Note: Install MODX used in your project first and upgrade from there to every patch version until you reach the most current.

Install all packages specified in your .gitify config:

Gitify package:install --all

Extract MODX Data:

Gitify extract

Build MODX Data:

Gitify build

Backup MODX Data:

Gitify backup filename

Restore MODX Data:

Gitify restore

One-Liner with options:

Gitify modx:install && Gitify package:install --all && Gitify build --no-backup --force

Written by Sebastian G. Marinescu