The YaCy Grid Core is a Leightweight Microservice Operating Environment. It includes:
- a jetty-based web server
- a very lightweight JSON library using the JSON-Java reference implementation
- an infrastructure to implement servlets using these JSON classes
- libraries for network communication and http clients
- file-based storage classes for JSON objects
- image-generating classes
- a framework for time-series data including image graph generation
This combination of a lightweight web server together with JSON, time series and graphics was arranged because most of API-implementing servers need the ability to easily implement a JSON API, handle network communication, be able to statify without the need of a database connection and also to support a telemetry service which makes it possible to monitor a large number of instances within a scalable microservice environment in an easy way.
Right now we do not intend to publish the library as a jar file, instead we recommend to add this repository as a git submodule. If you have an existing project, do the following to add yacy_grid_core as as submodule:
# open a shell and navigate to your project root path
mkdir submodules
cd submodules
git submodule add
Your project <your_project>
then can be checked out with
git clone --recursive<your_project>.git
and an update to an already checked out project can be made with
git pull origin master
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
Because this is a libaray and not an application there is not really a use running the program at all. However for demonstration purpose you can actually start the server without any usefull service.
To build and run, do:
gradle assemble
gradle run
LGPL 2.1 (C) by Michael Peter Christen
Have fun! @0rb1t3r