☕Implement of Parallel Matrix Multiplication Methods Using FOX Algorithm on Peking University's High-performance Computing System
Yes We Code
- Reference Documents
- Thomas Anastasio, Example of Matrix Multiplication by Fox Method
- Jaeyoung Choi, A New Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithm on Distributed-Memory Concurrent Computers
- Ned Nedialkov, Communicators and Topologies: Matrix Multiplication Example
- Source Codes
- C language
- Fortran
- Source Codes' Contents
- Code Tests
- Dell XPS8900
- Code Test on Dell XPS8900 Workstation (Intel® Core™ i7-6700K Processor)
- Analyzing MPI Performance Using Intel Trace Analyzer
- Lenovo X8800 Supercomputer Platform
- Code Performance Tests on X8800 Supercomputer Platform's CPU Node (Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2697A v4)
- Code Performance Tests on X8800 Supercomputer Platform's MIC Node (Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor 7250)
- Code Tests' Contents
- Dell XPS8900
- Reports
- 1801111621_洪瑶_并行程序报告.pdf
- 并行程序报告.docx
- 洪瑶_1801111621并行程序设计报告.pptx
- Parallel FOX Algorithm Project Report.pptx (will be added in the future)
- Parallel FOX Algorithm Project Report Paper.tex (will be added in the future)
- Parallel FOX Algorithm Project Report Paper.pdf (will be added in the future)
- Reports' Contents
- Imagines
- FOX.png
- FOX Stage Whole.JPG
- FOX Stage Loading Balance.png
- 规约计算 (Reduction)
- 拥有者计算原则 (Owner Computing Rule)
- 流水并行(Pipeline Parallelism):
- 在一个进程上,矩阵计算被划分为P个阶段 (P Supercomputing Steps in a Process)
- 数据并行 (Data Parallelism):
- 在每个进程上同时计算局部的矩阵乘积 (Local Matrix Multiplications are computing on every processess at the same Computing Step)
Mathematical Modeling of Matrix Multiplication
Time Complexity
Storage Complexity
Example Implementation in C Language
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k)*B(k,j);
- Basic Flow
- Matrix
's Dimension is
, and Matirx
's Dimension is a
- Compute Matrix
in parallel.
- Let
is the number of processors, and
be an integer such that it devides
- Create a Cartesian topology with process mesh
, and
- Denote
- Distribute
by blocks on p processess such that
block and
block, stored on process
- Details
Partitions of Matrices A, B and C. (Index syntax in Mathematical form: start from 1)
Data Distribution on the 2-D Cartesian Topology Processes Mesh (Index syntax in Mathematical formulars: start from 1)
Data Mapping
Partition may not perfect such that every sub-matrix is a square matrix. Yet, that's not a problem, except load unbalance on each process!
Unbalanced Partition
Mathematical Modeling of Sub-Matirx Multiplication
Parallelism type: Data parallelism with Pipeline parallelism
Rewrite the formula of Sub-Matirx Multiplication as q−1 Supercomputing Steps
Parallel Modeling Algorithm Operations on each step:
Algorithm Analysis on each Supercomputing Step
Communication in total
- Computing in total
n_bar = n/grid->q; Set_to_zero(local_C); source = (grid->my_row + 1) % grid->q; dest = (grid->my_row + grid->q - 1) % grid->q; temp_A = Local_matrix_allocate(n_bar); for (stage = 0; stage < grid->q; stage++) { bcast_root = (grid->my_row + stage) % grid->q; if (bcast_root == grid->my_col) { MPI_Bcast(local_A, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, bcast_root, grid->row_comm); Local_matrix_multiply(local_A, local_B,local_C); } else { MPI_Bcast(temp_A, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, bcast_root, grid->row_comm); Local_matrix_multiply(temp_A, local_B,local_C); } MPI_Sendrecv_replace(local_B, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, dest, 0, source, 0, grid->col_comm, &status); }
- Intel® Trace Analyzer Statistics results While FOX Kernel Executing
- Intel® Trace Analyzer's Load Balance Analysis While FOX Kernel Executing
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