NOTE Sparrow under heavy development and is broken(moving from C++ to Go)
import ("")
type Notification struct {
// send a notification to a user
func (n *Notification) Congregate(flock *core.Flock, options core.twitt) {
process := func(ws *core.Conn, user core.User, tweet *core.Tweet) bool {
// find target user
if user := core.users.Get(tweet.Arguments[0].Value) {
// deliver notification
return true
return false
flock.AddMiddleware(process, options)
Sparrow uses a very simple protocol to exchange messages (aka tweets). A Sparrow tweet consists of a code, a list of arguments, and a content separated by a semicolon.
Tweets arguments and content are optional, only code is required, for example:
n;arg1=4567;some text
n -> tweet code, specifies which target twitter callback to be run
arg1 -> arguments
some text -> tweet content
Sparrow.Tweet is a struct:
type Tweet struct {
Code []byte //target twitter callback
Arguments []Arg // key-value pairs argments
Content []byte // tweet's content
Raw []byte // message as received by uWebSockets
Sparrow makes it very simple to add, remove and lookup users. Sparrow use a special Trie internally to store users:
// find user
if user := sparrow.Users.Get("some_user_id") {
Actually you should not need to add or remove users because Sparrow takes care of that, most of the time you will only need to find a user and do your logic. To allow users to login use one of:
to allow users with ids stored in config file to login
to login users using external services
development-only twitter to allow any user to login without authentication
Sparrow supports the four most common environments development, staging, and production.
// set environment
// you can also check for environments and change your codes behavior based on that
//do something...
// also availabe
You can use Sparrow.RemoteEvent
to notify external services of events that has taken place in your code
Sparrow.RemoteEvent.Trigger("login", {user_id: ...});
// or
Sparrow.RemoteEvent.TriggerAsync("login", {user_id: ...});