Solve the following four problems:
- Problem 1: Calculate for each weather data file the number of days in which the maximum temperature and minimum temperature data are present but the precipitation data is missing. The program should create one line of output for each of the weather data files.
- Problem 2: Calculate average max temperature, min temperature, and total accumulated precipitation for every year for every station
- Problem 3: Calculate the frequency of each year from 1985-2014 had the highest average maximum temperature, highest average minimum temperature, and highest total accumulated precipitation from the set of weather stations.
- Problem 4: Calculate the Pearson correlation between weather variables and the grain yield data
pip install -r requirements.txt
All functions are implemented in jupyter notebook solutions.ipynb
. Please review the notebook for the script and the results.
- yld_data: Corn grain yield data folder.
- wx_data: Weather data input folder.
- answers: Output folder