Blog Post:
- Provide your own OpenAI / Anthropic API keys in config.toml (refer to config.example.toml).
- Run main.go
% go run main.go -h
Usage of /var/folders/8q/tbphznl55hv1651h4d2td2d80000gn/T/go-build1989261082/b001/exe/main:
-config string
configuration file (default "./config.toml")
show code diff for each AI edit
-impl-file string
AI-generated implementation code path (default "./sandbox/main.go")
iterate on existing code
-provider string
oai | anthropic (default "anthropic")
-sig string
function signature to be implemented
-spec string
specification for the function to be implemented
-test-file string
AI-generated test code path (default "./sandbox/main_test.go")
% go run main.go \
--spec 'develop a function to take in a large text, recognize and parse any and all ipv4 and ipv6 addresses and CIDRs contained within it (these may be surrounded by random words or symbols like commas), then return them as a list' \
--sig 'func ParseCidrs(input string) ([]*net.IPNet, error)'
- goimports:
go install
- support shared context file (e.g. for custom types, other setup). Put in sandbox/shared.go by default.
- support ollama for local models.
- support complex project structure.