Create different layers classes to form a multi-layer nerual network with various type of regularization method and optimization method.
[NumPy] [Matplotlib]
Include an Adam optimizer for gradient descent computation. Include an early stop function to save unnecessary training time
Run the code block sequentially. Most importantly, run everything before Part 3. Train a Multi-layer Neural Network
- Create a model() class
- Append layers to model() accordingly
- Set the loss function, optimization method, and evaluation metric for the model()
- Finalize model() to connect hidden layers accordingly
- Train model() using model.train()
- Predict using model(). predict
- confidences = model().predict(X_test)
- Predictions = model().output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
Ex 1. To train a 3-layer neural network with sigmoid activation in 50 epochs :
model = Model() model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output)) model.add(Activation_sigmoid()) model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output) model.add(Activation_sigmoid()) model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output) model.add(Activation_softmax()) model.set( loss = Loss_Cross_Entropy(), optimizer = SGD(learning_rate=0.03), accuracy = Accuracy_Cate() ) model.train(X,y,epochs=50,batch_size=None,print_by=128,verbose=-1,threshold=0.001)
Ex 2. To create a normalized mini-batch 3-layer neural network using relu activation along with Adam Optimization and weight decay in 50 epoch:
model = Model() model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output, norm = True, weight_reg_l2=0.01)) model.add(Activation_ReLu()) model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output, norm = True, weight_reg_l2=0.01)) model.add(Activation_ReLu()) model.add(Layer_Dense(n_input,n_output, norm = True, weight_reg_l2=0.01)) model.add(Activation_softmax()) model.set( loss = Loss_Cross_Entropy(), optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=0.03, decay=1e-3,epsilon=1e-7,beta_1=0.9,beta_2= 0.999), accuracy = Accuracy_Cate() )
threshold : The minimum accuracy gain for the model to continue training verbose : set to -1 is print the training summary