This is the python 2.7 version scrapy project,basic is write a python spider to get app infor from website. Store it into a json format file .refre to for more and basic understanding.
Default structure of Scrapy projects Before delving into the command-line tool and its sub-commands, let’s first understand the directory structure of a Scrapy project.
Though it can be modified, all Scrapy projects have the same file structure by default, similar to this:
scrapy.cfg myproject/ spiders/ ... The directory where the scrapy.cfg file resides is known as the project root directory. That file contains the name of the python module that defines the project settings.
for more understanding
Splash is a lightweight headless browser that works as an HTTP API. Guess what, it's also Open Source. With Splash, you can easily render Javascript pages and then scrapy them! There's a great and detailed tutorial about integrating Splash and ScrapyJs at Scrapinghub blog. After configuring everything, you can trigger the following requests:
def parse_locations(self, response): yield Request(url, callback=self.parse_response, meta={ 'splash': { 'endpoint': 'render.html', 'args': {'wait': 0.5} } }) Adding splash directive makes the script to call Splash, through render.html API and execute all Javascript of the crawled page.
user-agent working like a tag of the browsers ,change it randomly can hide your info to the server: two steps: 1. edit the 2. add
class RotateUserAgentMiddleware(UserAgentMiddleware): def init(self, user_agent=''): self.user_agent = user_agent
def process_request(self,request,spider):
ua = random.choice(self.user_agent_list)
if ua:
print ua
request.headers.setdefault('User-Agent', ua)
#turns out only several ip works here
user_agent_list = [......]
Working like the user-agent class RandomProxyMiddleware(HttpProxyMiddleware): def init(self, proxy_ip=''): self.proxy_ip = proxy_ip
def process_request(self,request,spider):
ip = random.choice(self.proxy_list)
if ip:
print ip
request.meta['proxy']= ip
#turns out only several ip works here
proxy_list = [ "",]
get the proxy your can refer to
install docker + spash to handle with the js rendering service `:1
1.install docker curl -fsSL | sh 2.make sure docker works sudo docker run hello-world 3.install rendering servicer sudo docker pull scrapinghub/splash 4. sudo docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash or??? sudo docker run -p 5023:5023 -p 8050:8050 -p 8051:8051 scrapinghub/splash
install scrapyjs sudo pip install scrapyjs
splash now available at at ports 8050
request->splash service -> huawei app store | splash service | js rendering response
two ways for server block request ip
- random proxy for user-agent
- random proxy ip
here the deploy means that you can deploy your project and your spiders to the deamon server scrapyd ,just like you can deploy your website to the tomcat servers.
your can learn how to do this from :
- start IPPoxy
- scrapy crawl xxx
- dianping is a spider crawls with rules
- dianpingR is a spider which uses the regular expression directly