I have just discovered Dragonfly's proof of CREATE which provides a simpler interface.
This repository contains the smart contract source code for the CREATE Registry.
This registry provides a trustless mapping from deployed contract addresses to their respective deployer addresses.
This is useful for granting funds or permissions to developers based on the contracts they have deployed.
Get the CREATE transaction hash
curl https://api.etherscan.io/api\
&apikey\=YourApiKeyToken \
| jq '.result[0].txHash'
Get relevant transaction fields
cast tx 0x3da029916b4f040bfe0670f0df716a770bc20f4cdabc20f144bd526d5010fc54 --json | jq '.from,.nonce'
Left pad nonce to even length
"0x6a9" => "0x06a9"
RLP encode from and nonce
cast to-rlp '["0xa7eccdb9be08178f896c26b7bbd8c3d4e844d9ba","0x06a9"]'
$ forge build
$ forge test