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"title": "11장 군집분석 개요",
"section": "(예 11.3)",
"text": "(예 11.3)\n상관계수\n\nrow_cor &lt;- cor(t(dat2), use = \"pairwise.complete.obs\", method = \"pearson\")\nrow_cor\n\n [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]\n [1,] 1.0000000 0.9347195 0.6828741 0.7600371 0.5771595 0.9673518 0.7144034\n [2,] 0.9347195 1.0000000 0.8979182 0.9413798 0.8297018 0.9942708 0.9164427\n [3,] 0.6828741 0.8979182 1.0000000 0.9937702 0.9907060 0.8457246 0.9990286\n [4,] 0.7600371 0.9413798 0.9937702 1.0000000 0.9693748 0.8999271 0.9977160\n [5,] 0.5771595 0.8297018 0.9907060 0.9693748 1.0000000 0.7652812 0.9837496\n [6,] 0.9673518 0.9942708 0.8457246 0.8999271 0.7652812 1.0000000 0.8684181\n [7,] 0.7144034 0.9164427 0.9990286 0.9977160 0.9837496 0.8684181 1.0000000\n [8,] 0.8099343 0.9655028 0.9815576 0.9967479 0.9464324 0.9321377 0.9890283\n [9,] 0.8219949 0.9707253 0.9773556 0.9948498 0.9394895 0.9394895 0.9857309\n[10,] 0.8089800 0.9650783 0.9818670 0.9968776 0.9469560 0.9315479 0.9892671\n [,8] [,9] [,10]\n [1,] 0.8099343 0.8219949 0.8089800\n [2,] 0.9655028 0.9707253 0.9650783\n [3,] 0.9815576 0.9773556 0.9818670\n [4,] 0.9967479 0.9948498 0.9968776\n [5,] 0.9464324 0.9394895 0.9469560\n [6,] 0.9321377 0.9394895 0.9315479\n [7,] 0.9890283 0.9857309 0.9892671\n [8,] 1.0000000 0.9997823 0.9999987\n [9,] 0.9997823 1.0000000 0.9997471\n[10,] 0.9999987 0.9997471 1.0000000\n\n\n표준화한 후 상관계수\n\ns_dat2 &lt;- scale(dat2)\nrow_cor_s &lt;- cor(t(s_dat2), use = \"pairwise.complete.obs\", method = \"pearson\")\nrow_cor_s\n\n [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]\n [1,] 1.0000000 0.9999315 -0.67406561 0.16745765 0.1015587 0.97213475\n [2,] 0.9999315 1.0000000 -0.66537519 0.17898338 0.1131937 0.96932487\n [3,] -0.6740656 -0.6653752 1.00000000 0.61536345 0.6663950 -0.82844400\n [4,] 0.1674577 0.1789834 0.61536345 1.00000000 0.9977886 -0.06832112\n [5,] 0.1015587 0.1131937 0.66639497 0.99778861 1.0000000 -0.13448190\n [6,] 0.9721348 0.9693249 -0.82844400 -0.06832112 -0.1344819 1.00000000\n [7,] -0.8797846 -0.8741613 0.94417672 0.32133338 0.3835649 -0.96670729\n [8,] -0.8006556 -0.8076120 0.09713788 -0.72474074 -0.6773407 -0.63789659\n [9,] -0.7482030 -0.7559160 0.01425163 -0.77939352 -0.7360260 -0.57182171\n[10,] -0.7956097 -0.8026447 0.08879897 -0.73048596 -0.6834783 -0.63142435\n [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]\n [1,] -0.8797846 -0.80065556 -0.74820299 -0.79560974\n [2,] -0.8741613 -0.80761196 -0.75591598 -0.80264471\n [3,] 0.9441767 0.09713788 0.01425163 0.08879897\n [4,] 0.3213334 -0.72474074 -0.77939352 -0.73048596\n [5,] 0.3835649 -0.67734074 -0.73602598 -0.68347830\n [6,] -0.9667073 -0.63789659 -0.57182171 -0.63142435\n [7,] 1.0000000 0.41959679 0.34286201 0.41197990\n [8,] 0.4195968 1.00000000 0.99655423 0.99996493\n [9,] 0.3428620 0.99655423 1.00000000 0.99721394\n[10,] 0.4119799 0.99996493 0.99721394 1.00000000"
"objectID": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.1",
"href": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.1",
"title": "12장 계층적 군집방법",
"section": "(예 12.1)",
"text": "(예 12.1)\n데이터 읽기\n\ndat1 &lt;- read.csv(\"data/ch12_dat1.csv\")\n\ndat2 &lt;- dat1[, -1]\n\n유클리디안 거리\n\nD1 &lt;- dist(dat2)\nD1 &lt;- round(D1, 2)\nD1\n\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n2 2.24 \n3 11.31 9.22 \n4 7.81 5.83 3.61 \n5 11.40 9.22 1.41 4.12 \n6 1.41 2.24 11.40 8.06 11.31 \n7 10.63 8.60 1.00 2.83 2.24 10.82 \n8 10.05 9.49 9.22 7.21 10.44 11.18 8.25 \n9 11.40 11.18 11.40 9.43 12.65 12.65 10.44 2.24 \n10 12.37 12.08 11.70 10.00 13.00 13.60 10.77 2.83 1.00\n\n\n평균연결법\n\nhc_c &lt;- hclust(D1, method = \"average\")\nplot(hc_c,\n hang = -1, cex = 0.7, main = \"Average linkage with Euclidean distance\",\n ylab = \"Distance\", xlab = \"observation\"\n)"
"objectID": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.2",
"href": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.2",
"title": "12장 계층적 군집방법",
"section": "(예 12.2)",
"text": "(예 12.2)\n데이터 읽기\n\ndat1 &lt;- read.csv(\"data/ch12_dat2.csv\")\n\ndat2 &lt;- dat1[, -1]\n\n유클리디안 거리\n\nD1 &lt;- dist(dat2)\nD1 &lt;- round(D1, 2)\nD1\n\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n2 16.12 \n3 2.24 17.00 \n4 18.60 9.06 18.36 \n5 13.15 5.00 14.56 13.15 \n6 5.66 12.17 5.39 13.04 10.82 \n7 15.30 1.41 16.03 8.00 5.39 11.05 \n8 16.64 7.28 16.55 2.24 11.05 11.18 6.08\n\n\n워드 방법\n\nhc_c &lt;- hclust(D1, method = \"ward.D2\")\nplot(hc_c,\n hang = -1, cex = 1, main = \"Ward's linkage with Euclidean distance\",\n ylab = \"Distance\", xlab = \"observation\"\n)"
"objectID": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.3",
"href": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.3",
"title": "12장 계층적 군집방법",
"section": "(예 12.3)",
"text": "(예 12.3)\n패키지 로드\n\nlibrary(cluster)\n\n데이터 읽기\n\ndat1 &lt;- read.csv(\"data/ch12_dat3.csv\")\n\ndat2 &lt;- dat1[, -1]\n\n다이아나 방법\n\nclus_diana &lt;- diana(dat2)\n\nplot(clus_diana, which.plot = 2, main = \"Dendrogram of Diana\")"
"objectID": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.4",
"href": "chapters/ch12_cluster.html#예-12.4",
"title": "12장 계층적 군집방법",
"section": "(예 12.4)",
"text": "(예 12.4)\n데이터 로드\n\ndat1 &lt;- read.csv(\"data/ch12_dat2.csv\")\n\ndat2 &lt;- dat1[, -1]\n\n패키지 로드\n\nlibrary(factoextra)\n\nLoading required package: ggplot2\n\n\nWelcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books at\n\n\n군집수 결정 - total within sum of square\n\nfviz_nbclust(dat2, kmeans, method = \"wss\", k.max = 5)\n\n\n\n\n군집수 결정 - gap statistics\n\nfviz_nbclust(dat2, kmeans, method = \"gap_stat\", k.max = 5)\n\n\n\n\n군집수 결정 - average silhouette width\n\nfviz_nbclust(dat2, kmeans, method = \"silhouette\", k.max = 5)"

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